Care navigation training - nationally funded training offer available only until 31 March 2024

Shared on behalf of NHSE

Practice and PCN managers can nominate one member of their team to attend either the foundation or the advanced, ideally reception staff and care navigators involved in triaging requests, to complete the virtual training.  The final dates for virtual training delivery have now been released, dates are offered between 08 January 2024 and 31 March 2024.  Sessions are CPD accredited and include two 2.5 hour training events, delivered via MS Teams with a further 1 hour learning transfer session to complete the training.

Two levels of training have been commissioned (foundation and advanced) – Go to this link to find out more about the two levels of training and to book training places.

Promotional materials have also been created which explain the training offers – Care navigation training – flyer and Care navigation training – slides