Co-creation opportunity for virtual patient frailty training
Shared on behalf of Juliana Sampson, Post Graduate Researcher
Researchers at Coventry University are looking at designing interprofessional education and training for frailty – see flyer for details. The training would be an activity utilising artificial intelligence as part of students virtual simulator placement but also at any stage of a clinicians career and is targeted towards Nurses, Paramedics, Geriatricians, Radiographers, Dieticians, OTs, Physios, Pharmacy and the list is expanding. The training promotes integrated working, better training, and therefore better patient care whilst utilising cutting edge technology.
Participants would be volunteering about 1.5 days of their time to take part in an induction (virtual or F2F) and co-creation session to design the activity. This co-creation activity is an opportunity to get involved in developing an interactive web based resource to support interprofessional education with academics, practice partners and technologists.
The virtual patient prototype has AI capabilities for Nursing, Geriatric Medicine and Allied health conversations. The aim is to better equip students in clinical interviewing and collaborative care planning specific to frailty.
Orientation sessions have already started but more will be arranged to meet with interest. All participants can have a CPD certificate on request.
For expressions of interest or any questions email Juliana Sampson: