Free Financial Wellbeing & NHS Pension Education

Shared on behalf of Affinity Connect

Affinity Connect is a specialist provider of financial education in the workplace for the majority of the NHS over the UK, including those in Yorkshire. There are no charges for our training, our courses are great at supporting your staff engagement and wellbeing, and I’ve attached some agendas here for you:

Planning for Retirement: To encourage a positive and realistic approach to a financially secure retirement, and help delegates make informed choices about their future.

NHS Partial Retirement for 1995 Scheme members: This course has been specifically designed for members of the 1995 Section of the NHS pension scheme. The course aims to help members understand the latest changes in pension draw down options available from October 2023 and how they could be considered when planning for retirement. The course will combine this and all the other flexible retirement options available to NHS staff.

Your Pension and the Public Service Pension Remedy: Providing NHS employees with an overview of the key pension changes resulting from the public sector age discrimination ruling (sometimes referred to as the McCloud remedy).

Your Financial Wellbeing: This course is designed to help clearly identify the 4 steps towards becoming financially well that can support through working life and beyond. Providing information to help support employees make informed financial decisions.

All delegates can download our Planning Your Future workbook, with some great budgeting tools and useful links, and have access to our guidance helpline for any further questions they may have.

For more information please contact:

Affinity Connect - Planning for Retirement Online Agenda - 2.5 Hours

File type: PDF · File size: 293.97 KB

Affinity Connect - Understanding your Options for Drawdown & Other Pension Flexibilities Online Agenda - 2 Hours

File type: PDF · File size: 301.29 KB

Affinity Connect - Your Pension and the Public Service Pension Remedy Online Agenda - 1.5 Hours

File type: PDF · File size: 187.6 KB

Affinity Connect - Your Financial Wellbeing Online Agenda - 1.5 Hours

File type: PDF · File size: 246.58 KB