Nurse and Nursing Associate
Face to face
Hassan Hajat, sPharmExLtd
17th February 2025
Mercure Hotel, Sheffield Parkway S60 5BD
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Course information

This is a full day refresher training session delivered by Hassan Hajat, sPharmEx Ltd.
This course is designed to enable competent practitioners to continue to safely and effectively manage a primary care based warfarin clinic.

Warfarin management in primary care has been an established service which has significantly improved patient care in terms of access and choice. Without appropriate training and critical regular updates to meet nationally and locally defined competencies this service cannot be delivered safely and effectively.

Refresher courses are recommended at least every 3 years to maintain competencies.

This course is designed to enable competent practitioners to continue to safely and effectively manage a primary care based warfarin clinic using near patient testing for INR estimating, interpreting INR results and determining the dose of warfarin in order to maintain results within their appropriate therapeutic ranges.

Course content

The training enables practitioners to:
❖ Review previous learning and identify learning gaps
❖ Update knowledge with respect to latest local and national guidelines
❖ Review management of patients and improve quality and safety
❖ Check understanding of local service specification requirements
❖ Reflect on current practice and identify changes to improve patient outcomes
❖ Consider case studies and problem-based learning
❖ Bring your own examples including tricky patients and difficult queries
❖ Share good practice with peers
❖ Upgrade knowledge and understanding via interactive poll based learning

Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs – formerly known as NOACs) are covered briefly, in context of treatment options, as essential learning in the appropriate management of a diverse range of patients. The training covers an overview of the basics which includes switching patients from warfarin to DOACs, appraisal of DOACs, Place in treatment, Indications and risks.

Course eligibility

You must be a registered nurse to access this course.

PLEASE NOTE: The Refresher event is for practitioners who have previously attended a comprehensive 2-3 day warfarin management training course. You must not be new to warfarin management.

This CPD course is for Practice Nurses and Allied Health Care Professionals. Please check here if you are eligible for these funded courses.

Please note: By applying for any of these training courses, you/your practice will not be able to also claim your £333 allocated CPD funding.