Nurse and Nursing Associate
Wessex LMC
11th November 2025
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Course information

This half day course is open to all Health Care providers (HPCs) who are currently working with clients that require Prostap injections. The course requirements are that the HCP has existing skills in sharps management such as phlebotomy and is receiving annual updates for immunisations and CPR and anaphylaxis.

All necessary documentation for the administration of the injection will be provided, to include a competency framework to use with the assessor in practice and legal frameworks for administration of medicines.

During this session we aim to provide HCPs with:

  • the knowledge and skills required for the procedure of administering Prostap injections.
  • resources, education and awareness of the legal issues, accountability and prescribing through delegation.
  • the mechanisms to be signed off as competent by a trained nurse in their workplace and follow the protocols and framework supplied for safe practice.

Course content

  • What is Prostap?
  • The uses of Prostap in patient condition management
  • Undertaking a risk assessment of the patient prior to injection
  • How is Prostap prescribed / legal issues / prescriptions: PSD
  • What are the side effects / contraindications / follow up care / anaphylaxis
  • Record keeping /documentation/communication with patients / capacity / consent
  • Safe handling and storage of injections; including infection control
  • Injection administration and techniques including practical session
  • Protocols/ competencies and supervised practice by mentor

The course will provide all necessary documentation for the administration of the injection to include:

  • a competency framework to use with the mentor in practice,
  • a protocol for the administration of Prostap injections
  • an example of a Patient Specific Directive (PSD) for prescribing and legal purposes.

All of these documents will need to be downloaded from the J2S website.  You will be given the password to access these during the session by the Trainer.

Please note this session will NOT be recorded

Course eligibility

This CPD course is for Practice Nurses and Nursing Associates.. Please check here if you are eligible for these funded courses.

Please note: By applying for any of these training courses, you/your practice will not be able to also claim your £333 allocated CPD funding.