AHP, All Roles, General Practice Assistant, GP, GPN, HCA, Health Care Assistant, Non Medical Prescriber, Nurse, Nursing Associate, Paramedic, Pharmacist and Physician Associate
South Yorkshire ICB
1st October 2024
All Day
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Course information

Type 2 Diabetes in the Young Programme is an NHSE Nationally funded initiative to improve care and outcomes for people aged 18-39 with type 2 diabetes.

Why? Early onset type 2 diabetes (EOT2D) is associated with a more aggressive diabetes phenotype than older onset Type 2 diabetes with a more rapid deterioration in glycaemic control, a worse cardiometabolic risk factor profile and higher proportions affected with diabetes-related microvascular and macrovascular complications. Without proper preparation for pregnancy, women with EOT2D and their babies are at high risk of maternal and neonatal complications including pre-eclampsia, miscarriage and stillbirth. The National Diabetes Audit shows that prevalence is increasing yearly.

For more information click here

Median loss of life = 12 years when T2DM was diagnosed at ≈15 years of age, ≈ 6 years when diagnosed at 45 years of age, 2 years when diagnosed at 65 years of age, and no accelerated loss of life after 80 years or so. (Souce Naveed S,ArazR,Stefan F, et al.Age at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus and associations with cardiovascular and mortality risks.Circulation.2019;139(19):2228-2237)

Despite risk and complications, people aged 18-39 are less likely to have all annual care processes. For more information click here

Aim: Reducing inequalities in care for younger adults with type 2 diabetes

Who should attend? Anyone who provides care for people with type 2 diabetes.

Why attend? We have the potential to improve outcomes for this high risk patient cohort with relatively small changes to practice.