Free Trauma Informed Care Training
Shared on behalf of Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership
Please find information links below about available programmes, training and resources on offer:
- E-learning package:
- Trauma Informed Care ARC Training Offer
- Trauma Informed Care ARC Champion Training
- Trauma Informed Care Community of Practice
- Trauma Informed Care Organisational Toolkit
- Trauma Informed Care Organisational Toolkit – Interactive
- Training Programme Dates and Booking Links
For more information please contact:
or visit:
The aims of the training are to:
- Define Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the potential impact of it on people.
- Understand Trauma Informed practice and care and how we can respond more effectively to support people
- Identify sources of support for yourself and professional colleagues
The training is a short targeted 45 minute training session for anyone who has direct or regular contact with Children and Young People, who may be affected by trauma (even if this is not known about). There are also longer programmes for those wanting more in depth training.
There are Communities of Practice which individuals are invited to join on completion of the ARC training, we have one for ARC Champions which the national trainer supports, one for Leaders and one for practitioners/ volunteers etc, that work 1-1 with Children & Young People, we have also just launched a Communities s of Practice specific to education. Following on from the training you will be invited to join the NHS Futures page where you can access previous meetings to give you a taster of these and various resources that are available for download.
The Organisational Toolkit if has been a great asset to organisations in supporting them in gaining a measure of where they sit within the Trauma continuum. The leadership Community of Practice supports in connecting service leads giving peer support, sharing knowledge and ideas on moving through the Toolkit positively. The team can meet with organisations every 12 weeks to review progress and offer any support needed to further progress.