Free Webinar for Managers in General Practice - Building Stability and Happiness in Your Admin/Reception Team

Shared on behalf of Point 6 and the Development People

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Free Webinar for Practice & Line Managers working in General Practice 

Building Stability and Happiness in Your Admin/Reception Team

Tuesday 20 February, 10:00 – 11:00hrs on Zoom

Thursday 22 February, 14:00 – 15:00hrs on Microsoft Teams


Point 6 are delighted to be working with The Development People to deliver this free webinar. Please share with Practice and Line Managers in General Practice.

Join us for this free webinar as we discuss the day-to-day challenges faced by admin teams, and more importantly, look at what we can do to create a positive mindset around these, enabling them to view the future with positivity and confidence.

Unhappiness among staff can result in increased absenteeism, underperformance, and even resignations – posing significant costs to both you and your team. Exploring new ways to tackle this is beneficial to all!

In this webinar, we will look at:

  • Understanding why people think about leaving a role
  • What makes people feel valued and want to stay in General Practice?
  • Building stability – Pausing, Reconnecting, Recognising & Re-Grouping
  • Using the ‘Tarzan Vine’ to move forward (leaving past experiences or blockers behind)
  • Sharing a ‘Team Session’ plan that managers can use

This is a chance to step ‘off the hamster wheel’ for an hour, have a coffee, and invest some time in you and your team.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Click here to book 20 February, 10:00 – 11:00hrs on Zoom


Click here to book 22 February, 14:00 – 15:00hrs on MS Teams


For queries please contact