HNY Apprenticeship toolkit - share your views
Shared on behalf of NHSE, HNY ICB
Have you used the work experience or HNY Apprentice Toolkit? Would you be willing to have a quick call to share your experience with it?
As part of the workforce strategy, we’re looking at ways we can support more organisations and departments to offer volunteering opportunities to young people aged 16+. Their enthusiasm and willingness to learn can bring real benefits to the work they support, and good experience can inspire them to take the next steps into work experience, education or employment in health and social care.
We’re keen to develop a toolkit to make it easier, safer and more effective for organisations wanting to offer 16+ youth volunteer opportunities.
We’d love to speak to anyone who has used the work experience or apprentice toolkit about your experience with it – it would just be a quick call with the ICB’s Strategic Volunteer Lead to find out what you did, how the toolkit helped, and any challenges you faced/how these were overcome.
We particularly want to speak with a range of settings, whether hospital based, mental health, social care, primary care etc. – to set up a call, please contact Susanna Glover at