Hull & East Yorkshire Combined Authority Skills Framework and Adult Skills Fund devolution stakeholder engagement
Shared on behalf of NHSE
Hull and East Riding councils have agreed a devolution deal worth over £400 million with the government. In England, devolution is the transfer of some powers and funding from national to local government. Devolution is important because it makes sure that decisions are made closer to the local people, communities and businesses they affect. In order to deliver on the devolved skills functions the Combined Authority is required to produce a Skills Framework. This includes the devolution of Adult Education and Community Learning budgets, now known as the Adult Skills Fund and Tailored Learning.
Stakeholders are invited to submit their feedback on the Skills Framework and approach to Adult Skills Funding on the devolved Adult Skills Fund (ASF) to help shape the future delivery and outcomes of skills development in the Hull & East Yorkshire Combined Authority for your respective area or sector via the following online feedback forms by midnight on 31st January 2025: