1 June 2023
June has appeared over the horizon which means Christmas is soon to be 6 months away! I know, I’m sorry for that too!
June sees a couple of big events for me; firstly, and with the help of our Rotherham place GP supporter Dr Soumya Rao we have managed to create a large-scale teaching session for our GP Trainees and with PA lead Javid Islam, we have done the same for our Physician Associates.
We had started to increase the number of clinicians engaging with the project and the technology anyway but it was slow, and it wasn’t really hitting large numbers. This event on the 6th June could see us along with our suppliers BodySwaps and Re:Course AI reaching up to 70 clinicians in the day, which is an amazing result for the project. It’s taken some intricate planning, the hiring of a large venue and additional headsets but we’ve done it…
Just keep your fingers crossed for me it all goes well on the 6th! Hopefully, the days of hiring large venues are nearly at an end for us if all goes to plan!
Re:Course AI Image
Bodyswaps logo
The second event coincides with Carers Week 5-11 June
I’ve been supporting our Health & Social Care Integration Lead, Jo Cameron on the unpaid, unidentified carers agenda which is such a worthwhile piece of work. As well as supporting this agenda, it made me realise when I’m setting up the business and the facilities for the Innovation Centre, we also have to think about integration. How do we get the message of ‘good integration is key to having healthy patients’ across to each attendee? How do we get them to think, work and practice the art of true integration?
If one of our 6 Principles is about creating a culture of good wellbeing and positive mental health, how do we reflect that in our teachings and get them to understand that good integration is part of that? Equally, I need to think about how those working in Primary Care who are also carers feel supported by us. How do we help them recognise that they may need help?
I’ve started to work on some PR materials now, I’m trying to make the work look a bit more professional ahead of the proposed pitching event I mentioned in May’s blog. We’re looking at making a video showing some 360VR images of the space, some interviews with educators, of Primary Care and Health Care Scientist colleagues and some of the project’s supporters. We do this in the hope that large scale businesses who are now local and therefore invested into the area will look to support us and dig deep into their pockets to help set us up. You may see the video up on our website soon.
I need to get cracking on a Doncaster location too! Really good options so far have eluded me but there are now a couple of good leads to follow up at least. I really need quickly to be able to look at costings for this site too so I can add it to the pitch! Better asking once for everything rather than having to go back a second time. I’d like a site as impressive as the Olympic Legacy Park, again somewhere people would enjoy coming to, feel comfortable in but also something that makes them feel a bit special and therefore appreciated and invested in when they arrive.
Arena site on Olympic Legacy Park
My thoughts turn to the actual pitching event. How will I get the potential investors to dig deep? Just like Dragon’s Den I need to touch on their emotions and their wallets… do these two things go hand in hand??? I need to make them aware that yes, we might be able to create some income, but this won’t be a profit-making endeavour; this is for the good of our health, our future family’s health!
Invest now in our seedlings and watch them grow into a competent, confident workforce making better decisions and feeling strong and positive in their chosen career within Primary Care. Better than that even, we produce all kinds of new career pathways, technology focused educators, clinical developers and technicians with experience in the Primary Care setting.
We do at some point have to think about the creation of apprenticeships for these relatively new roles and how we attract those still in secondary schools, encouraging them that this is a viable option, that its an emerging area of the workforce with exciting prospects.
This in all seriousness will have to be a strand of the business:
Let’s hope that these large multi-billion dollar companies have a pot of ‘Social Conscience Funding’ I can make ours!
Wish me luck!
Happy June everyone!