Personalised Care Team Facilitated Group Supervision sessions

We’d like to warmly invite you to take part in a series of Group Supervision sessions for Care Co-ordinators, Health and Wellbeing Coaches and Social Prescribing Link Workers in Primary Care Networks across South Yorkshire.

We understand how tough working in these roles can be, and this development programme offers a valuable opportunity to

  • Benefit from support, challenge and a safe space to build resilience, learn from each other and come up with fruitful actions
  • Take part in group supervision targeted specifically at the psychological, practical and emotional challenges you may face, e.g. isolation, overwhelm, confidence levels, waiting lists
  • Develop stronger relationships and networks between people in individual, more isolated PCNs who may not have had the chance for this kind of development
  • Take the pressure off managers who may find it tricky to offer regular supervision
  • Contribute to developing the transformational, collaborative Personalised Care work


There will be a launch lunch in December followed by four x 2-hour sessions with facilitator Lucy Owens.