Funded CPD Courses for Humber and North Yorkshire Nurses, NAs and AHPs - Still Available

CPD Funded offers are still available to access.

Please find below reminder summary and updates of CPD funded training available for eligible individuals (nurses, nursing associates, and allied health professionals) in general practice in Humber and North Yorkshire. Please see document with full details of available funded training, and FAQs. Details can also be found on the website here: HNY CPD Funded Training. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries.

Brief summary overview of offers and updates:

BiteSize CPD webinars

  • New dates regularly being added
  • 28 clinical topics, unlimited access
  • Details and bookings: BiteSize CPD Webinars

Rotherham Respiratory courses

NB Plus subscription

  • Thank you to everyone who subscribed – you should now have received your login details 
  • 14 hot topics, online CPD modules and more, unlimited access once subscribed

Haxby Group Training courses