Supports practices and PCNs to access CPD funding or funded training. This is available for every nurse, nursing associate, and listed allied health professional (AHP).


What is available?

Please click the link below to find full details of the 2024/25 CPD funded training offer:

Funded CPD Courses for Humber and North Yorkshire 2024-25

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Summary of offers...

Individuals can access from as many of the below 4 categories as they like, up to the fair-share limit in each. When you book, the provider will check your eligibility automatically and you will not be asked to pay, the cost will be covered by the CPD arrangements already in place.

BiteSize CPD webinars

Rotherham Respiratory courses

NB Plus subscription

  • 14 hot topics, online CPD modules and more (full list here)
  • 12 month subscription (if you already have one, it will extend by 12 months)
  • Unlimited access once subscribed – please subscribe here by 31/10/2024 (may open again in the spring subject to funding availability, for anyone who missed the first round)

Haxby Group Training courses



Individual Claims

  • An alternative to accessing the offer above for those wishing to source something not in the offer.
  • In order to manage allocation of the limited budget based on PCN returns, this option was only open during the PCN returns phase. This may be opened up again in spring 2025 if budgeting allows.
  • If your PCN submitted an individual claim for you, as soon as we receive the funds from NHSE, we will contact your PCN/practice lead and ask them to invoice us so that we can arrange payment.


Note: If your PCN would like to access group training of one of the included courses as a bespoke date, or with a different provider, we’re happy to chat to you about this and may be able to help. If it fits within the equivalent budget we’re happy to assist with block bookings for alternative providers/ arrangements – please get in touch on to discuss.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is eligible for the NHSE CPD Funding?

Every registered:

  • Nurse
  • Nursing Associate
  • Midwife 
  • Allied Health Professional (AHP) listed below

Below is the list of 14 professions that are included in the AHP group:

  • Art Therapist
  • Chiropodist/Podiatrist
  • Dietitian
  • Drama Therapist
  • Music Therapist
  • Paramedic
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Operating Department Practitioner
  • Orthoptist
  • Osteopath
  • Physiotherapist
  • Prosthetist/Orthotist
  • Radiographer
  • Speech and Language Therapist

The offers detailed here are utilising the Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY) general practice allocation and are open to all eligible staff employed by a practice or PCN in HNY.

Why aren’t other roles included?

The included list has been mandated by NHSE in line with the governmental budget allocation for CPD, this remains the same since its introduction in 2020-21. Training hubs have fed back to NHSE practice concerns around why other wider workforce roles such as HCAs, GPAs, PAs and pharmacists, for example, are not currently included, in the hope they will be considered in review for future year’s allocations.

When is the offer available?

The 2024/25 offer is available from September 2024 for one year, rolling on from the 2023/24 offer which started in September 2023 has been continually available to this point.

How and when can I book training listed in the offer?

Training can be booked throughout the year using the links detailed in this document above, in summary:


BiteSize CPD webinars


NB Plus subscription


Rotherham Respiratory courses


Haxby Group Training courses


When you book, the provider will check your eligibility automatically and you will not be asked to pay, the cost will be covered by the CPD arrangements already in place.

Can I access multiple offers?

Yes, you can access from as many of the below 4 categories as you like, up to the fair-share limit in each:

  • BiteSize CPD webinars – unlimited
  • Rotherham Respiratory courses – up to one per person (this may be increased if budget allows)
  • NB Plus subscription – unlimited access once subscribed
  • Haxby Group Training courses – up to two per person (this may be increased if budget allows)

This is to ensure fair access. For limited categories a waiting list system will be in place for requests of further places above the category limit. If funding allows later in the year we will then be able to offer additional places on a first-come-first-served basis from the waiting list.

Please note, if you/your practice/PCN have claimed your individual funding to self-source training not in the central offer, you cannot also access funded items from the central offer, due to funding limitations.

My PCN already claimed £333 individually for me, as I wanted to source my own training – can I also access these funded options?

Unfortunately not, the choice to claim £333 to use independently was an alternative option to accessing these centrally funded options. This is because there would not be enough funding for individuals to take advantage of both options.

If I did not already choose to claim £333 to source my own training during the PCN returns phase, can I still opt to do that now?

Unfortunately in order to manage allocation of the limited budget based on PCN returns, this option was only open during the PCN returns phase. This may be opened up again in spring 2025 if budgeting allows.

If my PCN submitted an individual £333 claim for me to source my own training, when and how will we receive it?

As soon as we receive the funds from NHSE, we will contact your PCN/practice lead (the person who submitted the claim) and ask them to invoice us so that we can arrange payment.

Our PCN would like to access group training of one of the included courses with a different provider, can we get this funded?

We’re happy to chat to you about this and may be able to help, if it fits within the equivalent budget we’re happy to assist with block bookings for alternative providers – get in touch with us on and we would be happy to discuss.

Can I request a webinar topic not already listed? How will I know when the topics I want are running?

If you would like to request a topic not already included in the BiteSize CPD webinar list please contact us on We’d be happy to hear from you and if there are common requests we can look to add in any topics with enough demand.


Throughout the year dates will be added regularly and there will be webinars available most weeks. Some topics will run more than once, subject to demand, as places are limited to 30 in each session. You can see what’s coming up by regularly checking here: BiteSize CPD Webinars, or subscribing to be kept up to date via: CPD Webinar Subscription)

How was the offer coordinated?

In order to maximise use of reduced limited funding and improve accessibility of training, the process for accessing CPD funding was updated for 2023/24 and 2024/25. The PCWTH asked PCNs to let us know what training is needed so that courses can be identified, within the funding envelope, to be available for all eligible staff to access. A significant benefit of this is gaining better value for the region by economies of scale, such as reduced costs for block booking places.


Based on previous requests and information gathered by NHSE we put together a tick-list of potentially funded courses. In order to enable planning of courses to meet PCN/practice needs, PCNs used this to indicate which courses eligible staff would like to access, and let us know anything else in popular demand. Funding is a limited envelope and it may not always be possible to meet all requests. Indicating preferences has helped identify demand and enable planning to best utilise the funding envelope, taking PCN requests into account and offering fair share access.


Many thanks to all PCNs and practices who came back to us with details of the training you would like to be able to access for your CPD eligible members of staff. It’s been fantastic to see such a phenomenal amount of requests returned. Now all data has been received we’ve arranged provision of courses within the funding envelope, reflecting your requests as best possible within funding limits. We worked to make arrangements with providers to offer as much CPD funded training as possible based on what you told us is needed. Thank you for your support and patience as part of this process.


If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch on

Is there funding available for other courses not included in CPD?

Other courses are occasionally funded independently by NHSE or other routes, for example:


  • Each year a limited number of Non-Medical Prescribing places are usually commissioned at Universities across the region – Your University of choice should be able to let you know if they have any remaining.
  • Cervical Screening training is currently funded via the training hub, and will have 2 cohorts running during 2024/25.
  • Apprenticeships can be a helpful funded route into training or developing staff in new roles
  • Various Workforce Schemes are available via the training hub to support new or developing staff
  • The NHSE Primary Care School offer funded Educational and Clinical Supervison training, and FCP Supervisor training
  • Leadership and Management in Primary Care – blended digital course, coming soon via the PCWTH


If you have a query about whether there are any funded options for particular training you are seeking, please feel free to get in touch with us on and we’ll signpost you to anything we’re aware of. We also share any information we receive about funded training via our monthly Training Hub ‘Information Collation’ bulletin.

What else can the HNY Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub help with?

We can support with:

  • Student placements and tariff funding (including student nurses, paramedics and pharmacists)
  • Supervisor and assessor support
  • Training and funding support for new-to-practice nurses and NAs (via the VTS programme)
  • Support and funding for Trainee ACPs and new PAs
  • Ongoing training and support for ACPs and PAs (via Advanced Practice Forward)
  • Support with Nurse Associate Training and the Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship
  • Funded training courses for HCA apprentices
  • GP fellowships
  • Rotational Paramedic roles
  • Legacy Nurse Mentor roles
  • Funded training, such as CPD courses and Cervical Screening
  • Queries and signposting related to workforce planning, training plans, or related funding


Information can be found on our website here: Humber & North Yorkshire – Training Hub ( or we’re always happy to speak with you, email us on and we can help to answer any queries or arrange to have a chat with you.

I have a question not covered above, who should I contact?

Please contact the HNY Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub team on and we will be more than happy to help answer any questions or arrange a chat if useful.

If your query relates to a specific provider’s courses, please contact the provider via the details in the listed links above. Alternatively, we could pass your query on for you.

Can I give feedback on the available funded options?

Yes please! We would love to hear from you, to help us improve and further tailor the offer to meet the needs of practices, PCNs and individuals when planning future CPD funded offers.

We would appreciate you taking the time to complete the short survey here:

Can you help with accessing funding for training not covered by CPD?

You are also welcome to tell us of anything not covered by CPD that you would like to see funding available for (i.e. non-CPD activities or for staff members not included in CPD funding). We can feed this information back to NHSE to help inform other commissioning considerations.


How can I find out more?

Email –

Phone – 01482 303986


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