Introduction to Clinical and Educational Supervision

The Primary Care Directorate (Yorkshire and the Humber) are supporting learners in General Practice, regardless of their primary care network location, to make sure they have:

  • Access to a quality learning environment
  • Appropriate education programme for their role (including multi-professional opportunities)
  • Appropriate supervision for their role
  • Appropriate pastoral support

They want to raise the quality and consistency of multi-professional supervisors and educators in primary care.

By March 2026, multi-professional supervisors will have:

  • Formal recognition of their knowledge, skills, and competencies and be part of a system wide register of educational supervisors
  • Ongoing support for their journey as an educator via CPD (Continuing Professional Development) opportunities and engagement in a Community of Practice
  • An educational status and the wider system’s broader understanding and value of educators’ skills, knowledge, and capabilities for organisations
  • Opportunities to engage in multi-professional learning around supervision and learning from other professions

The Primary Care School have developed a fully funded offer of clinical and educational supervision training sessions (half day sessions – free at the point of delivery), aimed at clinicians in primary care undertaking a supervisory role as part of a multidisciplinary team.

Clinical Supervision: Introduction to Clinical Supervision Training

  • A half day course that will equip attendees with basic skills and knowledge to provide clinical supervision within the workplace. Face to face and virtual available.
  • Clinicians working in primary and community care environment from the wider workforce professions​ and GPs who wish to explore how to support their learners better without committing to becoming a GP Trainer ​
  • To explore clinical supervision, it’s role and function​​
  • To explore some different models of clinical supervision and their application in practice​​
  • To understand how reflective questions can support clinical supervision​​
  • To understand accountabilities and responsibilities of the clinical supervisor and supervisee​​
  • Tips for implementing clinical supervision in the workplace​

Educational Supervision: Introduction to becoming an Educational Supervisor

  • A half day course that will equip attendees with some basic understanding of educational theory, the knowledge and skills requirements of being an educational supervisor and some work-based assessment (WBAs). Face to face and virtual available
  • Clinicians working in primary and community care environment from the wider workforce professions ​and GPs who wish to explore how to support their learners better without committing to becoming a GP Trainer  ​
  • To appreciate the different forms supervision can take​​
  • To understand different adult learning theories​​
  • To understand the roles and responsibilities of an educational supervisor​​
  • To have a high-level appreciation of different Work Based Assessments​
  • Recommended – Introduction to Clinical Supervision or equivalent course and/or experience as a clinical supervisor

Educator Pathway: Under development

  • Two-day course multi-professional course which provides the background knowledge and skills required to be an effective educational supervisor
  • Clinicians working in primary and community care environment from the wider workforce including First Contact Practitioners / ACP / GP trainees / NMP / pre and post grad nurses and AHPs​
  • GPs who wish to become GP Trainers / Clinical Supervisors​
  • To know how to ensure safe and affective patient care through training​​
  • To establish and maintain an environment for learning​​
  • To be able to teach and facilitate learning​​
  • To appreciate how to enhance learning via assessment​​
  • To support and monitor educational progress​​
  • To be able to guide personal and professional development​​
  • To support CPD as an educator​
  • Recommended pre-requisite – Introduction to Educational supervision

Community of Practice: Community of Practice (Supervision)

  • Maintaining Educator knowledge, skills and behaviours on an on-going basis
  • Multi-professional clinicians and medics who attended introductory courses​
  • To support and provide access to educator learning and development​​
  • To maintain, and refresh educator capabilities through ongoing CPD activities​​
  • To promote the role of educator within individual learning areas/environments​​
  • To promote the inclusion of ongoing development as an educator in appraisal action plan/objectives​

Education Supervision Toolkit: Who can supervise whom

  • A toolkit to give clarity on the requirements around educational supervision within the General Practice environment 
  • Anyone who is a supervisee, supervises or plans supervision resources in general practice​
  • The toolkit takes the position of both the supervisor and the learner; showing who is able to supervise whom, and what training, approval or certification they require before they can provide this supervision ​

How To Book

To book onto these fully funded courses, register for an account on MaxCourse here. To search for the courses, enter PC Supervision.

Both Introduction to Clinical Supervision Training and Introduction to becoming an Educational Supervisor are available to be delivered within a PCN or practice to a multi-professional audience. If you are interested in an ‘inhouse’ session for your practice or PCN then please contact to arrange.


These are fully funded courses delivered by experienced primary care educators from a range of primary care professions

New offers also available:

Lunch and Learn sessions for supervisors:

Intending GP trainers and Multiprofessional Supervisor Pathway: