Pharmacy Education Update - May 2024

Shared on behalf of NHSE School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation North East and Yorkshire

In this month’s briefing from the School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation team, we focus on clinical upskilling. You will find helpful information about supporting workforce, training, and education, for all pharmacy sectors.    

Section Information/ News items in this briefing: Of particular interest for:
1. Focus on practice – clinical upskilling ALL training sites
2. Skills and resources for supervisors – preparing your educators; mentoring and educational supervision ALL
3. Leadership Academy ALL
4. GPhC Consultation on the quality assurance of pharmacy education and training ALL
5. Useful Links ALL

Pharmacy-Education-Update-Briefing_SoPMO-NEY May 2024

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Regional CPPE flyer_Apr-Jun24

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