Welcome to the February edition of the HNY PCWTH Information Collation. Find below a collection of recent communications, news, updates and information to share with practices and primary care colleagues across HNY.

Please click to expand each item for details. Happy Reading!


If you would like to receive these monthly ‘Information Collation’ news bulletins via email, please sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/UCUD4Bc1Xn 
(please note – if you are part of the HNY regional Practice Managers email distribution list or PCN Leads email distribution list, you will automatically receive the bulletin via those).

Urgent Communication - Withdrawal of the Practice Educator & Assessor Preparation Programme (PEAP) from eLfH

The NHSE TEC team announced this week that the Practice Educator and Assessor Preparation (PEAP) Programme from the e-Learning for Health Platform will be officially withdrawn imminently. You may have already seen separate communications this week – the withdrawal date has now been briefly extended, with a formal date to be confirmed – however the new withdrawal date may still be within the next week.

We understand some participants may not have previously downloaded their training certificates as proof of course completion. Please share this information with your teams/partners and encourage individuals to download their certificates as soon as possible, we recognise that this is very short notice.

The issue has been widely escalated within NHSE, we will keep you updated with any further developments and establish whether there will be a later opportunity for participants to retrieve certificates, and also what alternative training will be available to replace this going forward.

For supervisor and assessor support within your practices, or any advice or queries relating to this, please don’t hesitate to contact debra.smith8@nhs.net who is happy to support.

We will keep you informed when any new information becomes available regarding the withdrawal of PEAP. Many thanks for your help in sharing this information.

Recent Apprenticeship Announcements and Updates

Shared on behalf of the Apprenticeship Service

This month we celebrated National Apprenticeship Week, bringing together businesses and apprentices across the country by shining a light on the positive impact apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses and the wider economy.

There were also multiple government announcements for apprenticeships:

Changes to English and maths requirements 

From 11 February 2025, the requirements for English and maths will be optional for apprentices who are aged 19 and over at the start of their apprenticeship training. Funding will continue to be available for English and maths qualifications for adults if they, or you as their employer, feel this is required.

All apprentices will continue to be required to secure, and be assessed, on the job-specific English and maths skills they need as part of the apprenticeship standard, ensuring they have the skills you value the most.

Young apprentices, who are aged 16-18 at the start of their apprenticeship, will continue to be required to secure up to a Level 2 qualification in English and maths, if they do not already hold one.

The policy changes are effective from 11 February 2025 and apply to new starts and existing apprentices. The apprenticeship funding rules will be published shortly and will set out more details regarding how providers and employers should implement this policy change.

Read our help article for the latest updates.

Introduction of shorter apprenticeships  

Apprenticeships currently have a duration of at least 12 months but we recognise there are circumstances where a learner can achieve full occupational competence more quickly. To support this, government will be reducing the minimum duration of an apprenticeship to 8 months, down from the current minimum of 12 months. Changes will be introduced from August 2025, subject to the legislative timetable.

This change means apprentices will be able to achieve occupational competence more quickly, where that makes sense, for example because that’s how industry works, or because an individual has significant prior learning that would have previously made them ineligible for apprenticeship training. We will be setting out more detail on how we will work with you to roll out these changes in due course.

Find out more by reading our help article.

Apprenticeship Assessment Principles  

The government has announced the assessment process for apprenticeships will be streamlined under a new set of principles . This will remove any unnecessary duplication and ensure the amount of assessment is proportionate.

Where appropriate, End-Point Assessment Organisations (EPAOs) will be able to delegate assessment to the training provider, in line with the assessment plan. In these instances, EPAOs will continue to shape the assessment and ensure validity of outcomes.

Learn more by reading our help article, introducing the new Apprenticeship Assessment Principles.

Payments Simplification

Payments Simplification aims to reduce bureaucracy and allows employers and training providers to focus on delivering high-quality apprenticeship training.

From August 2025 the Department for Education will begin to remove the need for some data duplication required from training providers, to submit overlapping data via both the ILR and Apprenticeship Service account, to receive funding for apprenticeship training.

This change will eliminate data mismatches between the ILR and Apprenticeship Service submissions, addressing existing issues for training providers. It will also significantly reduce administrative burdens for yourselves and providers and improve cash flow.

Our help article will be updated with further implementation detail in due course.

‘Your Apprenticeship’ app  

Now live! The Your Apprenticeship app has been designed by apprentices, for apprentices. As an employer, you won’t need to manage anything in the app, but you can now share the news and encourage your apprentices to download the app today from the App Store or Google Play.

The Your Apprenticeship app aims to empower apprentices and enhance their apprenticeship experience. It ensures they have access to essential tools, resources, and support at their fingertips, setting them up for them success throughout their apprenticeship journey. With new features set to come, tell your apprentices today!

Our help article and webpage will give you more information about the new app.

Access Support

Our help page gives you a summary of the announcements shared, so far. These articles will be updated when further information becomes available.

2025/26 Funding applications open for Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacy Technician multi-sector places - Closing Date 12 March 2025

Shared on behalf of NHSE

NHS England North East and Yorkshire (NEY) region are now accepting expressions of interest (EOI) for local funded NHS managed sector or GP practice led multi-sector Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacy Technician (PTPT) 2025/26 cohort places.

Community pharmacy single site training places will be arranged at a later date. Community Pharmacies may form part of the multisector partnership; however, the lead employer must be an NHS managed sector or GP practice for this offer.

£16,500 training contribution will be available per PTPT per annum over the 2-year training period.

EOI must be from the lead employer. EOI applications are accepted between 12 February 2025 – 12 March 2025 via the link below.


Important: The guidance document outlines the requirements employers must meet to be eligible to receive funding, including details of the EOI process in full. Only applications submitted via the online form will be considered

Applications must be received via the online form by 23:59 on 12 March 2025.

An engagement session is available to support employers with their expression of interest. Please register your interest by clicking below:

Please note that successful applicants will receive a provisional allocation subject to confirmed funding for financial year 2025/26.

Successful applicants will be informed of their provisional allocation w/c 7 April 2025.

If you have any questions or require further support, please contact the NHS England NEY Pharmacy team at england.wtepharmacy.ney@nhs.net stating ‘Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacy Technician (PTPT) EOI 25-26’ in the email subject header.


Sent on behalf of

Laura Butroid (MAPharmT, MAPCPharm)

Regional Facilitator: Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacy Technician (PTPT) Integrated Training Scheme (Northeast and Yorkshire)

Northeast and Yorkshire School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation

Free Trauma Informed Care Training

Shared on behalf of Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership  

Please find information links below about available programmes, training and resources on offer:

For more information please contact: hnf-tr.hnymhpmo@nhs.net
or visit: humberandnorthyorkshire.org.uk


The aims of the training are to:

  • Define Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the potential impact of it on people.
  • Understand Trauma Informed practice and care and how we can respond more effectively to support people
  • Identify sources of support for yourself and professional colleagues

The training is a short targeted 45 minute training session for anyone who has direct or regular contact with Children and Young People, who may be affected by trauma (even if this is not known about). There are also longer programmes for those wanting more in depth training.

There are Communities of Practice which individuals are invited to join on completion of the ARC training, we have one for ARC Champions which the national trainer supports, one for Leaders and one for practitioners/ volunteers etc, that work 1-1 with Children & Young People,  we have also just launched a Communities s of Practice specific to education. Following on from the training you will be invited to join the NHS Futures page where you can access previous meetings to give you a taster of these and various resources that are available for download.

The Organisational Toolkit if has been a great asset to organisations in supporting them in gaining a measure of where they sit within the Trauma continuum. The leadership Community of Practice supports in connecting service leads giving peer support, sharing knowledge and ideas on moving through the Toolkit positively. The team can meet with organisations every 12 weeks to review progress and offer any support needed to further progress.

Free Calderdale Framework Foundation Day - Book your Place Now!


Dear colleague

The HNY Health and Care Partnership’s New Ways of Working Team would like to extend an offer of a free place on the Calderdale Framework Foundation Day, which will be held on the 6 March 2025, 9am to 4pm, Health House, Grange Park Lane,  Willerby  HU10 6DT.


Calderdale Framework in brief 

A systematic 7 step process which involves the full team to consider what they might need to do differently to meet the workforce challenges they are currently facing or can see arising in the future. Placing the service user/customer/patients at the centre so we best meeting their needs and expectations.

  • 7 step process – clear steps to encourage creativity and new ways of working, identify, mitigate and manage risk, articulating the required competencies to ensure delivery of consistent high standards, training, governance and embedding change.
  • Team – clinical, non-clinical, admin, business, health or social care. All staff irrespective of registration status or band are involved.
  • Challenges – defining role boundaries, ensuring consistency relating to competency, defining what good looks like, existing process inefficiencies, training, succession planning, upskilling to take advantage of emerging opportunities, clearly defining career pathways, defining new roles.
  • Needs/expectations – reducing delays caused by unnecessary hand off of care, delays in addressing needs, use of technology and duplication of activities.

To book a place, please email Helen.yewdall@nhs.net


Free Webinar Series for Mature Students: Your Pathway to Nursing

Free RCGP GP Health and Wellbeing Workshop

Free Webinar: Understanding NHS Pensions

Free Webinar: Understanding NHS Pensions

Come along to this FREE webinar to gain a better understanding of NHS pensions including:

  • Overview of the end of year pension certificate process, covering the completion of type 1 and type 2 certificates and the review of individual PCSE employee contribution statements
  • Estimate of pensionable profits for GP practices
  • Changes implemented by PCSE for the 2023/24 certificate cycle
  • Common PCSE queries and issues and how to try to overcome or resolve these
  • Overview of the 1995, 2008 and 2015 schemes for practitioners and differences between these
  • How to check your NHS Pension
  • McCloud overview
  • McCloud timing and important dates

The webinar is running twice on Tuesday 8th April, firstly at 12.00-1.00pm and then again at 6.00-7.00pm – links below.

For any questions please contact: wy.traininghub@nhs.net 


Teams link for the 12:00 session:

Microsoft Teams –  Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 339 305 778 577 / Passcode: A8rK9X5A


Teams link for the 18:00 session:

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 341 462 466 315 / Passcode: KU3tY6ZE


Free Financial Wellbeing & NHS Pension Education

Shared on behalf of Affinity Connect

Affinity Connect is a specialist provider of financial education in the workplace for the majority of the NHS over the UK, including those in Yorkshire. There are no charges for our training, our courses are great at supporting your staff engagement and wellbeing, and I’ve attached some agendas here for you:

Planning for Retirement: To encourage a positive and realistic approach to a financially secure retirement, and help delegates make informed choices about their future.

NHS Partial Retirement for 1995 Scheme members: This course has been specifically designed for members of the 1995 Section of the NHS pension scheme. The course aims to help members understand the latest changes in pension draw down options available from October 2023 and how they could be considered when planning for retirement. The course will combine this and all the other flexible retirement options available to NHS staff.

Your Pension and the Public Service Pension Remedy: Providing NHS employees with an overview of the key pension changes resulting from the public sector age discrimination ruling (sometimes referred to as the McCloud remedy).

Your Financial Wellbeing: This course is designed to help clearly identify the 4 steps towards becoming financially well that can support through working life and beyond. Providing information to help support employees make informed financial decisions.

All delegates can download our Planning Your Future workbook, with some great budgeting tools and useful links, and have access to our guidance helpline for any further questions they may have.

For more information please contact: Kathryn.Walters@affinityconnect.org

Free Updates for Primary Care Clinicians from Red Whale

Shared on behalf of Red Whale

Red Whale produce a series of free weekly ‘Pearls’, written for GPs and primary care clinicians, click below to see the latest Pearls and to sign up for free:

Red Whale | Pearls | Free Updates for Primary Care

There is also a monthly podcast discussing key topics for primary care clinicians.  The topics include those covered in the free Pearls in an easy to digest audio format:

Red Whale | Podcast | Primary Care Pod – free updates

Free Virtual Lunch and Learn Sessions

Shared on behalf of HNY ICB

Lunch & Learn Sessions

We’re excited to invite you to a series of virtual Lunch and Learn sessions, hosted by experts from the Education and Training Team within the Integrated Care Board’s People Team and the VCSE Collaborative. These sessions are designed specifically for those working across the Humber & North Yorkshire Integrated Care System who are interested in learning more about how to train and educate your workforce innovatively, whilst also considering the future workforce pipeline and career development opportunities. The sessions will cover a range of priority topics identified by staff.

Session Details:

  • Innovative Ways to Train and Educate

Discover creative strategies to enhance training and education for the future workforce in healthcare. Join us to explore innovative approaches and practical solutions for workforce development.

Facilitated by Sarah Newsome
Date: Tuesday, 11th March
Time: 12:00 to 12:45   
Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams

  • T-Levels Unpacked

Dive into the world of T-Levels and their potential to shape the healthcare workforce of tomorrow. Join us to learn how these qualifications can support future talent pipelines.

Facilitated by Kim Alexander
Date: Wednesday, 19th March
Time:12:00 to 12:45   
Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams

  • Apprenticeships Overview 

Gain insights into maximizing the uptake of clinical and non-clinical apprenticeship roles. Learn how to effectively develop the workforce by leveraging the apprenticeship levy.

Facilitated by George Zuerner
Date: Tuesday, 25th March
Time:12:00 to 12:45    
Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams

  • Volunteers at the heart of the system 

Hear directly from youth volunteers and health and social care staff about the transformative role youth volunteers can play. Find out how you can be involved in our NHSE funded programme and help boost routes into the health and care workforce.

Facilitated by Susanna Glover
Date: Tuesday, 1st April
Time:12:00 to 12:45   
Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams

Each session will provide insights and updates on these key areas, including current examples of work across the ICS. There will also be time for Q&A at the end of each session. Participants will also have the opportunity to submit their questions in advance to ensure key topics are addressed during the session. Please note that the sessions will be recorded up until the Q&A segment to allow for full engagement and open discussion.

How to Join:

Refer to the attached poster for additional details and QR codes for easy registration or click on the links in the email. 

Please feel free to share this with anyone who might benefit, as the sessions are open to everyone.

Thank You!

Free HNY Eyecare CPD SPRINT Event -Vitreoretinal Disorders Referral and Management - Thursday 20.03.25 -1930-2100

Sent on behalf of Nizz Sabir, Humber and North Yorkshire ICB Optometry Lead

Please see information below re the 5th of a series of free, online, interactive CPD events for the HNY Optometry community.

Please for the event, a Teams calendar invitation will then be emailed to you nearer the time of the event.


Humber & North Yorkshire Eyecare

Continuing Professional Development

SPRINT Events 2024/25

Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY) Integrated Care System (ICS) is hosting a series of virtual, interactive Continuing Professional Development (CPD) sessions for the local optometry community.

The HNY ICB footprint covers 7 Ophthalmology Trust sites as well as multiple Independent Sector Providers. The Optometry profession are the primary care specialists that refer the majority of referrals either directly or indirectly (via GP) to these sites.

As part of the Eye Care Collaboration with Optometry and Ophthalmology we are delivering the sessions to:

  • support and inform the local eyecare workforce
  • foster relationships between local practitioners, Local Optical Committees and secondary care.
  • provide better eyecare for all.

Each 1.5hr session will consist of a presentation delivered by a local specialist, followed by time for discussion. The sessions are CPD accredited.

Session 5: Thursday 20th March, 7:30pm – 9:00pm

Vitreoretinal Disorders Referral and Management

Mr Abdallah Ellabban – Consultant Ophthalmologist, Cataract and Retinal Surgeon, Hull University Teaching Hospitals


Mr Ellabban

Mr Ellabban was trained across the UK, Japan and Egypt. He completed a PhD from the world-renowned Kyoto University in Japan focusing on macular diseases. His academic interest focuses on the multimodal imaging of macular disease (macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusion, diabetic eye disease) and the application of new techniques in retinal surgery. He has 50 publications in peer-reviewed ophthalmic journals and co-authored 4 book chapters.


The session will focus on:

  • Common vitreoretinal conditions
  • Interpreting OCT scans for vitreoretinal VR conditions
  • Triaging referral for secondary care.

If you have any questions or query about a particular Vitreoretinal topic or OCT or retina picture or clinical sign ..etc, please email Mr Ellabban and he will focus on it in the presentation info@ellabban.co.uk

If you have any other queries please contact: hnyicb-ny.primarycarecontracts@nhs.net

Free Clinical and Non-clinical Courses, including Asthma and COPD, Supportive Management and ARTP Spirometry.

Shared on behalf of National Services for Health Improvement (NHSI)

NSHI Academy is offering fully funded clinical and non-clinical courses in a range of topics including RCN accredited training in both Asthma and COPD, Supportive Management and ARTP Spirometry.

The NHSI Academy pilot programme covers an extract from the broader management course, providing healthcare professionals in both clinical and non-clinical roles with a toolkit to direct and empower their teams. Supportive managers raise levels of engagement, motivating their team to persist on difficult tasks and help them through setbacks.

Benefits include:

  • 100% Fully Funded: No financial burden – our course is accessible and cost-free, thanks to our sponsoring partner.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Covering best practices in leadership and healthcare management.
  • Flexible Learning: Designed to fit around your busy schedules, so you can learn without compromising on your commitments.
  • Increased Engagement: Supported teams are engaged, motivated and successful.

Spaces are limited and demand is high, so act fast to secure your fully funded place today! To register your interest please visit: https://nshi.co.uk/nshi-academy-funded-training-registration

To learn more, see this leaflet or contact our team via email: academy@nshiacademy.co.uk

Reminder: OPEN NOW - Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner NHSE Funding Applications 2025/26

Shared on behalf of NHSE

The application process for organisations within North East and Yorkshire to apply for the NHS England support to train advanced practitioners in 2025/26 has now opened until 28th March 2025.

To apply for the NHS England Advanced Practitioner support, please click here.

More information on the offer, including details of the training grant, can be found in the North East and Yorkshire Faculty for Advancing Practice handbook as well as the clinical salary support guidance.


Key Points:

  • The North East & Yorkshire Faculty Handbook contains details about the funding offer from NHS England, employers’ responsibilities/commitments and how to apply. If after reading these you still have questions, please email england.neyadvancedpractice@nhs.net
  • Please note the document is a live document and may have updates added as and when.
  • The deadline to apply is 28th March 2025 (dependent on numbers received)
  • Each organisation applying must nominate a single contact to lead on the Advanced Practitioner process and act as a key liaison for all enquiries relating to Advanced Practitioners. All applications must be approved and submitted by the same lead contact.
  • You will be required to submit a job description and/or job plan for your trainee Advanced Practitioner(s) upon applying, to ensure your application is considered. Please note applications that are not completed in full or do not provide a JD/PS will be returned.
  • If you require any support completing the form or have any issues accessing the form, please email: england.neyadvancedpractice@nhs.net
  • We aim to notify your organisation of the outcome within 6 weeks of submitting your full application.
  • Please note once funding is confirmed, organisations need to apply to their preferred HEI and follow their application process.


If you are a large organisation who will be submitting multiple applications and would prefer to submit your applications via a secure live spreadsheet, please let us know by emailing: england.neyadvancedpractice@nhs.net

For additional support within general practice, please contact the local training hub: hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net


Best wishes,

The North East and Yorkshire Faculty for Advancing Practice

Email: england.neyadvancedpractice@nhs.net

Click here for the NEY Faculty for Advancing Practice website

Reminder: Available CPD Funded Training - For Nurses, NAs & AHPs

Lots of funded training still available – book now!

CPD Funded offers continue to be available to access for eligible individuals (nurses, nursing associates, and allied health professionals), in general practice in Humber and North Yorkshire.

Please see document with full details of 2024/25 available funded training, and FAQs here. Details can also be found on the website here: HNY CPD Funded Training

Brief summary of included offers:

BiteSize CPD webinars:

  • For details and bookings visit: BiteSize CPD Webinars
  • Further dates and topics are regularly released, we’re prioritising the topics that have been most requested. Subscribe here to be kept informed of latest dates/topics available to book: CPD Webinar Subscription

NB Plus subscription

  • The initial subscription window has now passed, however we hope to open up a second round in the spring for anyone who missed the first window. If you would like to be added to a waiting list please contact hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net

Rotherham Respiratory courses

Haxby Group Training courses

For full information on CPD funded training please see document with full details of available funded training and FAQs. Details can also be found on the website here: HNY CPD Funded Training. Please share with all relevant colleagues, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries.

Reminder: DPP Teach and Treat Programme - Prescribing Supervision

Shared on behalf of West Yorkshire Training Hub

Can You Offer Prescribing Supervision to a Community Pharmacist?

Are you ready to shape the future of pharmacy by mentoring the next wave of independent prescribers? If so, join our directory of Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPPs). Become a DPP and guide community pharmacists pursing their Independent Prescribing qualification. As a DPP, your mentorship will help trainees develop the skills and confidence needed to excel in patient care and support the NHSE national pharmacy workforce expansion plan.

Benefits of Becoming a DPP

  • Mentorship Opportunity: Play a crucial role in developing skilled, confident independent prescribers in your local area.
  • Visibility and Compensation: Join our NHS England endorsed directory, increasing your visibility to trainees and opening opportunities for compensation (up to £3000 for each trainee).
  • Flexible Supervision Models: Utilise individual, group, or multidisciplinary supervision models to effectively mentor trainees.

How to Become a DPP

  • Complete an Expression of Interest HERE.
  • NHS Funded Training: access comprehensive training through ProPharmace or HE Cooperative to equip you with the skills and knowledge for effective supervision.
  • Flexible Schedule: Structure your supervision hours to meet your needs and those of your trainee – only a portion of the required 90 hours need to be directly supervised by a DPP. The rest can be with other prescribers (non-DPPs).

Enhance your professional journey by becoming a Designated Prescribing Practitioner. Share your expertise, support new prescribers, and contribute to the advancement of pharmacy practice.

Ready to get started? Express your interest now in signing up for our NHS England endorsed DPP directory.

Reminder: First Contact Practitioner (FCP) Community of Practice Channel

Following suggestion at the December ‘FCP Sharing Best Practice’ Webinar, the HNY Training Hub have set up an MS Teams Channel to serve as a Community of Practice (CoP) forum FCPs can use to interact with each other for peer support, sharing resources and best practice.

To join the FCP CoP channel please click here and complete the short form

Please share with colleagues who may like to join!

If you were unable to make the webinar in December, the slides and recording can be found here for reference, along with other FCP information links and resources:

First Contact Practitioner Supervision and Support – Training Hub


There is also a Community of Practice channel already available for Health & Wellbeing Coaches – if you would like to join (or have a H&WC colleague who would like to join) please contact hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net

Reminder: NHSE Supervision courses and new offers for supervisors

Shared on behalf of NHSE Y&H Faculty for Wider Workforce 

For the latest details on accessing supervisor courses please see links below:

New offers also available:

Breakthrough HNY Colleague News Release – February 2025

Shared on behalf of Humber and North Yorkshire ICB


Did you know that colleagues across Humber and North Yorkshire are collaborating on important workforce issues through our Breakthrough HNY transformation programme?

Through Breakthrough, we’re working together to improve attraction, recruitment, training and retention of the people we need in our health and care workforce, now and in the future.  Some ways you can get involved right now include:

  • Building system leadership skills is key to transforming HNY.  Take advantage of our FREE system-focused talent programmes, open for applications now!  Find out more here.
  • Deep in NHS operational planning?  You may benefit from our NEW HNY People Story dashboard.  It provides current baseline workforce numbers system-wide as well as population demographics and needs intelligence and can be explored by sector or by place. Currently the dashboard is available only to colleagues with an NHS email address, but a fully accessible version is coming soon. In 2025/26 we’ll be developing it further to project our future multi-year workforce plan.  Check it out here.
  • Apprenticeships Week: 3rd-9th February was National Apprenticeships week.  What more can you do to champion apprentices in your area and spread the word about apprenticeships locally?  Visit our HNY Careers Hub for more.

Plus, read more about all this month’s updates in our February Leaders Briefing.

Humber and North Yorkshire Monthly Workforce Bulletin

You can access this month’s Humber and North Yorkshire ICB Workforce Bulletin by clicking here