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CPD: Introduction to Travel Health

Travel Health Specialist Nurse Jane Chiodini has developed an Introduction to Travel Health eLearning course. The study takes a minimum of two full days to study. However, this can be done at a time to suit you, over a period of six weeks.

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CPD: NB Plus 12 month subscription (courses/webinars)

The NB Plus 12 month subscription has a range of courses and webinars making it perfect for all health care professionals working in primary care enabling them to learn at convenient times and at a pace which suits their busy schedule.

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CPD: Vaccinations & Immunisations (2-day course)

This two-day, face to face training course will be delivered by Senior Nurse Educator Jane Emerson RN NMP and Nurse Educator Heather Jones RN, alongside the South Yorkshire Screening and Immunisation Team. The training course has been developed inline with the ‘National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training for Registered Healthcare Practitioners’

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CPD Training: Blood Result Interpretation for General Practice Nurses

This session is a full day training session delivered by Nicola Wood, Advanced Nurse Practitioner (MSc Long Term conditions). During this informative session on Samples, Results and Actions you will learn about when,
and just as importantly when not to request and send off samples.

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