Welcome to the July Part 2 Edition of the HNY PCWTH Information Collation. Find below a collection of recent communications, news, updates and information to share with practices and primary care colleagues across HNY.

Please click to expand each item for details. Happy Reading!

*You can also find the latest monthly Workforce Bulletin for HNY in the ICB Newsletter here*

Reminder - New-to-Practice Nurse & NA VTS Programme - September 2024 Registrations

Just a quick reminder that formal registrations are open for the New-to-Practice Nurse and NA VTS Programme starting in September

For all practices who previously expressed interest prior to the March funding deadline, your place is still reserved. In order to retain your place please complete the registration form and return to hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net by 31st July if possible.

  • If you’re still recruiting and won’t have your candidate details by 31st July please just let us know you still require the place and keep us updated when possible.
  • If you no longer require your place, please let us know, as places are limited it can be made available for someone else.

For any practices who did not previously express interest, but would now like a place – please let us know on hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net.

Newly available places will be allocated on a fair share basis across PCNs/Places, any remaining places after the 31st July deadline will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.


The programme start date will be Wednesday 25th September – the first day will be a full day in person, at The Mercure Grange Park Hotel, Willerby. As in previous years the programme will be a mixture of virtual MS Teams sessions and face-to-face practical sessions, with location varying. Programme details can be found here. The commitment is an average of one session per week, with most sessions taking place on Tuesdays or Thursdays. A full timetable will be shared shortly with everyone registering.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch on hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net

Reminder - CATALYST GP Fellowship - Sept 2024 registrations now open for eligible GPs

Just a quick reminder that formal registration is now open for the September 2024 Catalyst Programme, for:

  • Existing fellows continuing on to Year 2
  • New fellows starting Year 1 (due to national funding stipulation, eligibility is for those who CCT’d prior to 31/03/24 and expressed interest)

Completed registration forms should be returned to hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net by 9th August.

If you haven’t previously expressed interest but did CCT prior to 31/03/24 and are interested, please get in touch, as places may become available.

Planned start dates are:

  • Year 1s – Wed 18/09/2024
  • Year 2s – Wed 25/09/2024

The Catalyst team will keep fellows updated with full timetable information and programme details following registration.

Note: Teaching dates will be on Wednesdays, with one date per month a set online teaching day, and one day per month a self-directed learning (SDL) day. The online teaching sessions will be a fixed date, facilitated by a Tutor, as per the schedule and will take place over Zoom. SDL dates can be flexible, but must be undertaken prior to the next online session date.


For any queries around the programme, dates and timetables the Catalyst Team would be happy to help and can be contacted on CatalystProject@hyms.ac.uk


For any queries around the bursary, registrations or other fellowship offers please contact us on hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net


You can also find information about GP Fellowships here: GP Fellowships – Training Hub (yhtraininghubs.co.uk)


There are no further updates currently on funding allocation for other potential HNY GP Fellowship offers, including what offer may be available for those qualifying after 31/03/24, due to the change in national funding. We will keep everyone expressing interest informed when any information becomes available.

Reminder - CPD Funding 24/25 - Please tell us what training is needed

Just a quick reminder in relation to CPD funding for nurses and AHPs, which will be available again for 2024/25.

In order to maximise use of limited funding and improve accessibility of training, the process for accessing CPD funding was revised last year, and will follow a similar process this year. We would again like PCNs to let us know what training is needed so that courses can be identified, within the funding envelope, to be available for all eligible staff to access.

Based on previous requests and feedback, please find a tick-list of potentially funded courses. In order to enable planning of courses to meet PCN/practice needs, please use this tick-list to indicate which courses your eligible staff would like to access, and suggest any additions.

Completed tick-lists should be returned to hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net by Mon 5th August 2024.

Please note, funding is a limited envelope, and it may not be possible to meet all requests. Indicating your preferences will help identify demand and enable planning to best utilise the funding envelope, taking PCN requests into account and offering fair share access.

Once all data has been received, we will be able to arrange provision of courses within the 2024/25 funding envelope, reflecting your requests, then share updated information on accessing the identified courses. Meanwhile, the 2023/24 offer is still open to access, details can be found here: CPD Funded Training – Training Hub (yhtraininghubs.co.uk)

Many thanks for your help with this process. If you have any queries about completing the form, accessing the funding, or potential course options please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We would be happy to answer questions or arrange a chat. We’ve also included a brief FAQ below.


Best wishes

The HNY Primary Care Workforce & Training Hub Team.


Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who is eligible for the NHSE CPD Funding?
A: Every registered:

  • Nurse
  • Nursing Associate
  • Midwife 
  • Allied Health Professional (AHP) listed below

 Below is the list of 14 professions that are included in the AHP group:

  • Art Therapist
  • Chiropodist/Podiatrist
  • Dietitian
  • Drama Therapist
  • Music Therapist
  • Paramedic
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Operating Department Practitioner
  • Orthoptist
  • Osteopath
  • Physiotherapist
  • Prosthetist/Orthotist
  • Radiographer
  • Speech and Language Therapist

 The offer described will utilise the Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY) general practice funding allocation and be open to eligible staff employed by a practice or PCN in HNY.


Q: Why aren’t other roles included?
A: The included list has been mandated by NHSE in line with the governmental budget allocation for CPD, this remains the same since its introduction in 2020-21. Training hubs have fed back to NHSE practice concerns around why other wider workforce roles such as HCAs, GPAs and PAs are not currently included, in the hope they will be considered in review for future year’s allocations. For 2024-25 however the eligibility list remains the same.


Q: Can staff access funded training from multiple sections?
A: Yes, individuals will be able to access funded training within all of the detailed categories, up to the limit of each category.

To ensure fair access in limited categories a waiting list system will be in place for requests of further places above the category limit. If funding allows later in the year we will then be able to offer additional places on a first-come-first-served basis from the waiting list.


Q: Can I claim funding to source my own training, if I want to access something not likely to be in the offer (e.g. to put towards a course with higher cost)?
A: If individuals would prefer to source their own CPD course(s) their £333 CPD allowance can be claimed by completing an individual CPD funding request form (link below) and returning by 5th Aug 2024 (to enable budget planning).

CPD Individual Funding Request Form (for individuals wanting to source their own courses)

Individuals will not be able to claim their £333 personal CPD allowance as well as accessing CPD funded training courses in the offer.  For clarity, due to economies of scale accessing the offer is potentially worth more than the individual £333.


Q: I have a question not covered above, who should I contact?
A: Please contact the HNY Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub team on hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net and we will be more than happy to help answer any questions or arrange a chat if useful.


Q: Can I give feedback on the available funded options?
A: Yes please! We would love to hear from you, to help us improve and further tailor the offer to meet the needs of practices, PCNs and individuals when planning future CPD funded offers.

We would appreciate you taking the time to complete the short 2-minute survey here:




Reminder - Trainee ACP Funding 2024/25 - Still open for Applications

Shared on behalf of NHSE

The application process for organisations within North East & Yorkshire to apply for NHSE support to train Advanced Practitioners has now re opened and can be found here: https://healtheducationyh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/nhse-acp-application-north-east-yorkshire-faculty-for-2

Further details can be found in the  North East and Yorkshire Faculty for Advancing Practice Handbook 24-25.pdf. Please note this includes details of the training grant offer for 24/25.

Key points to note:

  • Please note: For September 2024 intakes, the apprenticeship onboarding deadlines for Universities are in July therefore we recommend any applications for September 2024 starts are submitted as a matter of urgency to avoid missing this application window. Prior to this deadline, you will need to have received NHS England confirmation of the application outcome, ensured that all recruitment processes are completed, and that learners have applied to the relevant university.
  • The  North East & Yorkshire Faculty Handbook contains details about the funding offer from NHSE, employers’ responsibilities/commitments and how to apply. If after reading these you still have questions, please email england.neyadvancedpractice@nhs.net. Please note the document is a live document and may have updates added as and when.
  • The deadline to apply is 30th August 2024 (Dependent on numbers received)
  • Each organisation applying must nominate a single contact to lead on the ACP process and act as a key liaison for all enquiries relating to ACPs. All applications must be approved and submitted by the same lead contact.
  • You will be required to submit a job description and/or job plan for your trainee ACP(s) upon applying, to ensure your application is considered. Please note applications that are not completed in full or do not provide a JD/PS will be returned.
  • If you require any support completing the form or have any issues accessing the form, please email: england.neyadvancedpractice@nhs.net.
  • We aim to notify your organisation of the outcome within 4 weeks of submitting your full application.
  • Please note once funding is confirmed, organisations need to apply to their preferred HEI and follow their application process.

If you are a large organisation who will be submitting multiple applications and would prefer to submit your applications via a secure live spreadsheet, please let us know by emailing england.neyadvancedpractice@nhs.net.


For support with your application please also feel welcome to contact the HNY Training Hub on hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net

See further details on available support here: https://yhtraininghubs.co.uk/humber-north-yorkshire/humber-north-yorkshire-schemes/acp-ready-scheme/


Reminder - Funded Cervical Screening Training - October 2024 Applications Open

We’re pleased to share that the next cervical screening training cohort will be starting in October 2024, fully funded for nurses and NAs in general practice in HNY.

Please click here for more details and the application form 

For any queries, please contact hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net

NEY Apprenticeship & Widening Participation Community Of Practice

Shared on behalf of NHSE

North East & Yorkshire Apprenticeship & Widening Participation Community Of Practice


Are you passionate about apprenticeships and widening participation? Want to keep up to date

and connect with peers from across the region?

Join our community of practice!

  • Keep up to date with national and regional policy and strategy
  • Share your experience and best practice
  • Connect with peers from across the North East and Yorkshire
  • Explore collaborative ways of working

Audience: NHS Apprenticeship leads and managers, HR and OD leads, Primary care, PIVO and social care managers, clinical and administrative staff responsible for training and education.

First meeting: 28th August 2024 (10:00 – 11:30) via Microsoft Teams

Join the network: HERE

Return to Practice Opportunities

Shared on behalf of NHSE

For information please see: Return to Practice Programme

Please share widely with any professionals who may be keen to return to practice, or employers who may wish to support someone to return to practice.

For more information please contact england.returntopractice.north@nhs.net

Expression of Interest: NHS England Teach and Treat Programme 2024

Shared on behalf of NHSE


See 1-page overview here

Dear Colleague,

NHS England is pleased to announce the launch of a National Teach and Treat Programme for 2024.

Purpose of the programme

The programme’s purpose is to facilitate a link between community pharmacists and a designated prescribing practitioner (DPP) through an innovative teach and treat model. Access to prescribing supervision is a particular challenge for pharmacists training to prescribe in a community setting. Community pharmacists often seek a prescribing learning environment and supervision from a DPP in a different sector. Within the teach and treat programme there will be a project lead who can act as the DPP themselves or provide access to multiprofessional DPPs through connections already in place or by developing new networks.

What is the offer

NHS England will provide £50k of funding to six NHS regions in England (excluding the Southwest). ICBs and organisations within each region will be given the opportunity to bid for some or all this funding – individually or as collectives.

If you are interested in this offer 

The expectation of this programme is to support community pharmacists across your region to achieve their prescribing accreditation. To bid for this offer you will need to identify a project lead with sign off from their employing organisation that they will provide the governance required for this programme.

To be able to achieve the goals of this programme at a minimum you must:

  • Understand what prescribing services within your region would benefit the patient population
  • Communicate with community pharmacists through local engagement identifying those wanting to undertake their prescribing accreditation who hold the appropriate values and behaviours required to become a competent and safe prescriber.
  • Ensure community pharmacists identified meet the eligibility criteria for an accredited prescribing course in England and commitment to enroll before March 25.
  • Be able to provide access to a suitable DPP and clinical prescribing environment for the community pharmacists identified
  • Commit to provide a sustainable model for enhancing supervision capacity and capability across your region once this programme is complete

Please see results of the Southwest teach and treat pilot here for ideas on how to operationalise this funded opportunity.

Next steps

Applications open on Monday 22nd July and close on Monday 12th August at midday. Apply using our MS form which includes guidance on how to apply.

For more information regarding pharmacist independent prescribing please visit our website or contact us on england.pharmacyteam@nhs.net


Successful bidders will be informed by 2nd September 2024.

New CPPE e-learning programme - Pharmacy technicians: using patient group directions in practice

Shared on behalf of NHSE

Click here for Press Release

Please find linked above information on CPPE’s new Pharmacy technicians – using patient group directions in practice e-learning programme. Further detail is included within.

For all other questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on info@cppe.ac.uk

GP Forum CPD Events - Sept-Dec 2024

Shared on behalf of GP Forum

Please see invitation to attend the next GP Forum primary care CPD study days:

  • Wednesday 11th September on the topic of “Dermatology” – Hull
  • Thursday 14th November on the topic of “Musculoskeletal” – Grimsby
  • Wednesday 4th December on the topic of “Contraception & Sexual Health” – Hull

The meetings are free of charge and carry 3 hours CPD points.

Please pass this on to staff in your practice who might be interested in attending the course.

Best Practice Show 2024 - 9th/10th October - Free event

Shared on behalf of Best Practice

The next Best Practice conference and exhibition is around the corner on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th October 2024 at the NEC Birmingham. It is the largest gathering of general practice HCPs from across England, and it is FREE to attend! With over 5,000 HCPs expected to attend.

For full information and to register please click here:



  • Accredited CPD Content – 12 different theatres of educational sessions to choose from – that is over 200 individual talks, including Dr Kiren Collison, Dr Raj Thakkar, Dr Minal Bakhai, Dr Stephanie Cook, Tara Humphrey, Dr Steve Holmes, and many, many more!
  • Clinical Education – over 100 different clinical updates covering diabetes, respiratory, cardiovascular, women’s health and many more…
  • Multi-disciplinary Appeal – different yet specific programmes for PCN leaders, practice managers, GP Partners and all clinical staff.
  • Business Advice – develop your non-clinical skill set
  • Products & Solutions – over 270 brands hosted within our exhibition, a great opportunity to scope out new products and services and demonstrate the latest and best!

No matter how much time you can spare to visit Best Practice, whether it be just an hour, half day, or the full two days, your FREE delegate pass will enable you to return to work with actionable learning and a renewed focus for general practice and primary care.


Previous editions of the Information collation can be found here for reference:

HNY Information Collation Archives – Training Hub (yhtraininghubs.co.uk)