Welcome to the September edition of the HNY PCWTH Information Collation. Find below a collection of recent communications, news, updates and information to share with practices and primary care colleagues across HNY.

Please click to expand each item for details. Happy Reading!

*You can also find the latest monthly Workforce Bulletin for HNY in the ICB Newsletter here*

Physician Associates Preceptorship funding offer 2024/25

Shared on behalf of NHSE

We are pleased to confirm our preceptorship offer for physician associates in primary care for 24/25. The national guidance can be found here, we have also attached a short North East and Yorkshire document which will provide specific information about application timelines and how the preceptorship payment is made.

To apply to the NEY Physician Associates’ preceptorship offer, please complete the application link here.

Support is also available via the NHY Training Hub 

NHSE NEY Advanced Practice Funding Application - deadline extension

Shared on behalf of NHSE

The application process for organisations within North East and Yorkshire to apply for the NHS England (NHSE) support to train advanced practitioners has been extended to 27th September 2024.

To apply for the NHSE advanced practitioner support, please click here.

More information on the offer, including details of the training grant, can be found in the North East and Yorkshire faculty handbook.

Key Points:

  • The North East & Yorkshire Faculty Handbook contains details about the funding offer from NHSE, employers’ responsibilities/commitments and how to apply. If after reading these you still have questions, please email england.neyadvancedpractice@nhs.net
  • Please note the document is a live document and may have updates added as and when.
  • The deadline to apply is 27th September 2024 (dependent on numbers received)
  • Each organisation applying must nominate a single contact to lead on the ACP process and act as a key liaison for all enquiries relating to ACPs. All applications must be approved and submitted by the same lead contact.
  • You will be required to submit a job description and/or job plan for your trainee ACP(s) upon applying, to ensure your application is considered. Please note applications that are not completed in full or do not provide a JD/PS will be returned.
  • If you require any support completing the form or have any issues accessing the form, please email: england.neyadvancedpractice@nhs.net
  • We aim to notify your organisation of the outcome within 4 weeks of submitting your full application.
  • Please note once funding is confirmed, organisations need to apply to their preferred HEI and follow their application process.

If you are a large organisation who will be submitting multiple applications and would prefer to submit your applications via a secure live spreadsheet, please let us know by emailing: england.neyadvancedpractice@nhs.net

For general practice local support is also available via the HNY Training Hub


CPD Funding Update

Thank you to all PCNs and practices sending in your CPD returns to aid identification and provision of required training.

We’ve been collating all the returns for the region and reviewing the offer based on this information. We will shortly be able to communicate full details on how to accesses everything in this year’s offer. Thank you for your patience and support with this process.

Meanwhile, last year’s offer is still open to access: CPD Funded Training – Training Hub (yhtraininghubs.co.uk)

Introduction to Clinical and Educational Supervision - Fully Funded Courses

Shared on behalf of the NHSE Y&H Primary Care School

The Primary Care School have developed an offer of introductory clinical and educational supervision training sessions (half day sessions – free at the point of delivery), aimed at clinicians in primary care undertaking a supervisory role as part of a multidisciplinary team. For further details, dates and booking info, please see flyers and info pack below:

If you are interested in an ‘inhouse’ session for your practice or PCN then please contact  J.Leckenby@nhs.net to arrange.


NB: this multiprofessional offer is an intro for educators supporting primary care/community, however there are also pharmacy-specific offers from Propharmace and UEA-led programme on E-LfH which are open to all sectors.

Qualified Advanced Practitioner Masterclasses - Fully Funded, Northumbria University

Sent on behalf of Northumbria University

Northumbria University are hosting a suite of masterclasses aimed at Qualified Advanced Practitioners working across multiple specialities within the North East, North Cumbria & Yorkshire region.

These events are free to delegates and are kindly funded by NHS England North East & Yorkshire Regional Advancing Practice Faculty and are also kindly supported by the International Journal of Advancing Practice, the Advanced Practice series – British Journal of Nursing, The Advanced Practitioner textbook series – Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Mobile Educational Learning Improving Simulation Safety Activities (MELISSA) and g&hCritCareEcho.

Please click the below links for details and to sign up for a masterclass.

  • Advanced Clinical Practitioner Masterclass – Advanced Critical Care Practitioner – 8th November 2024 – Click here to register
  • Advanced Clinical Practitioner Masterclass – Raising The Roof on Research – 15th November 2024 – Click here to register
  • Advanced Clinical Practitioner Masterclass – Raising The Roof on Research – 22nd November 2024 – Click here to register
  • Advanced Clinical Practitioner Masterclass – Multi-professional advanced practitioner workplace supervision – 7th February 2025 – Click here to register
  • Advanced Clinical Practitioner Masterclass – Mastering Simulation Modalities – 28th March 2025 – Click here to register
  • Advanced Clinical Practitioner Masterclass – Introduction to Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) – 4th April 2025 – Click here to register

NHSE FutureLearn EDI Course

Shared on behalf of NHSE

A new FutureLearn online course published by NHS England supports general practice staff and patient participation groups to work effectively with people and communities to enhance services.

The course explores why diversity and inclusion is important and considers the different models available to undertake better engagement. To learn more and to hear speakers share their experiences of working with people and communities to improve general practice, register for an introductory webinar on Wednesday 19 September, 3:30pm – 4:30pm

HNY AHP Faculty FuturesNHS Platform

Welcome to the Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY) Allied Health Professional (AHP) Faculty

The HNY AHP Faculty are a team of health, social, private, independant voluntary organisations (PIVO), education and training providers and arm’s length bodies (ALB) that formally work together across the HNY Intergrated Care System (ICS), to support and deliver a collective approach to AHP workforce challenges and providing a forum to collaborate and share best practice to develop healthier communities with the delivery of outstanding patient-centered care.

Our FutureNHS page is a collaborative space so we can share resources and best practice. If you have any questions or would like to join the faculty mailbox to receive updates and information please email: hyp-tr.hnyahpfaculty@nhs.net

Apprenticeship News and Resources

A collection of information and resources around apprenticeships can be found on our website here



Apprenticeship Funding Guide

NHSE have worked to create a guide to funding apprenticeships in the NHS. Some of topics covered in this guide include:

  • Apprenticeship Levy
  • Funding Bands
  • Funding end-point assessment
  • Funding apprentice salary

Read or download the Apprenticeship Funding Guide here.


A Managers Guide to Health and Care Apprenticeships

Find out how to recruit an apprentice to your team or develop your existing staff using apprenticeship programmes. NHSE have worked to put together A Managers Guide to Health and Care Apprenticeships. Some of the topics included are:

  • What is an apprenticeship?
  • Contract of employment
  • Apprenticeship qualifications
  • Off the job training
  • English and maths functional skills
  • Apprenticeships – employer implementation flowchart

Read or download the Managers Guide to Health and Care Apprenticeships PDF here.


Understanding Apprenticeships – Return on investment

Wondering how to check if apprenticeships have provided a return on investment? Download the printable below to see a list of things you can measure.


Skills England and IfATE

Skills England has been established in shadow form within the Department for Education, and is already taking on its important role in identifying skills gaps and talking to the key organisations that will need to work together to fill them, driving growth and providing opportunities to learners from all backgrounds, delivering outstanding skills for businesses of all shapes and sizes, right across the country.

The King’s Speech set out the Government’s intention to bring forward legislation to pass IfATE’s functions to Skills England. The important work employers and others have been doing with IfATE over the past 7 years to shape the skills system would then be taken on by Skills England.



The Prince’s Trust Health and Care Programme

The Prince’s Trust is working in partnership with NHS England to support, recruit and train young people aged 16 to 30 who are interested in pursuing a career in health and care.

The support package includes two pre-employment programmes, “Get Into” & “Get Started” as well as 1-1 mentoring. The programmes are tailored to fulfil organisations’ workforce needs and give young people a real understanding of the roles and career opportunities available in the sector.

  • Get Into – This in-depth programme focuses on increasing young people’s chances of securing employment within the sector. “Get Into” lasts from four to six weeks and is a combination of class-based learning and hands-on work placements giving young people a real insight into what working in a Health and Social Care environment is like.
  • Get started – A 2-3 day intensive programme designed for those who feel ready to start working now, combines employability skills and interview preparation training linked to live sector job opportunities.
  • Mentoring – Young people are matched to a mentor for up to six months who will support them 1-1 as they prepare for and start employment.



Learn to support adults with their confidence and skills in numeracy without having to teach maths

Join the national numeracy CPD accredited programme, which gives you the knowledge and understanding you need to support adults who have low confidence with numeracy.

The programme is not about teaching maths but focuses on helping adults who may feel anxious with numbers. You don’t have to be a maths specialist – just a supportive person to help others get started in improving their confidence and maths skills. This programme is suitable to those supporting others in their organisation or local community. Let’s talk about maths The programme runs across two 2-hour sessions. Participants are expected to attend both programmes. The online sessions are delivered on Zoom and participants will be sent joining instructions by National Numeracy.

Become a Numeracy Champion – Multiply | National Numeracy


Making links between health and care and further education

Read NHS Employers guide which explores how health and care and further education can create a strong relationship to work collaboratively on workforce supply issues – Making links between health and care and further education


Staff development pathways

NHS Employers guide sharing ideas and routes to develop and retain your existing healthcare workforce. It includes examples and development pathways for staff in a wide range of roles from healthcare support workers to advanced practitioners – Staff development pathways


Non-Medical Prescribing Funded Places

Shared on behalf of NHSE

A limited number of NHSE funded places are now available at providing Universities and HEIs across North East & Yorkshire.

Details around the training can be found here: Training for non-medical prescribers | NHS England | Workforce, training and education (hee.nhs.uk)

Information around accessing a funded place can be found here: NMP Applications Info

When completing your chosen University’s application form for the course, there will likely be a section to sign acknowledgement of funding eligibility, for primary care in HNY please forward to the training hub: hnyicb.traininghub@nhs.net who can sign and return it to you.

General Practice Nurse Leadership Fundamentals modules

Shared on behalf of the NEY NHS Leadership Academy

Please find details pf the GPN Leadership Fundamentals course – now live.

MH ARRS Community of Practice

Shared on behalf of NHSE

As implementation of the roles under the Additional Role Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) are realised across England, NHS England North East and Yorkshire (NEY)  are supporting this for Mental Health (MH) ARRS. Following system level requests, we have established a region wide MH ARRS Community of Practice (CoP). This CoP provides a safe place for all those involved to come together to share experiences of these new roles, including good practice, challenges, and to work through pertinent issues and improvement opportunities.

The agenda is flexible, set by those involved with MH ARRS roles implementation so that it meets the needs of stakeholders.  Dr Terry Hudsen (Clinical Lead for Primary Care Engagement and Support, NHS England NEY) and James Sutherland (Head of Primary and Community Mental Health Transformation – SHSC, and National Implementation Advisor, Community Mental Health – NHS England) joint chair this group.

The ambition is for the group to be as inclusive as possible and for its membership to evolve and grow to meet the needs of stakeholders. Further information about the group is provided below and we’re delighted to invite you and your colleagues to attend the next CoP which will focus on the primary and secondary care interface.

Date:             Tuesday, 8th October 2024,

Time:             12.30–1.30pm

Platform:       MS Teams.  Please use this link Join the meeting now



The needs of our communities, in particular in areas where there are health inequalities, are greater than ever before. There is a growing concern about areas of longstanding unmet health need and the social determinants of health are playing a bigger role than ever before.

These new challenges are increasing the pressure on the system to deliver for those in our communities and there is more that we can do to shift our focus from treating those who are unwell to preventing ill health and tackling health inequalities.

The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) is an opportunity for a PCN to recruit new additional staff to deliver health services and create bespoke multi-disciplinary teams.


Purpose of CoP

The purpose of the ARRS CoP is to provide a forum for the North East and Yorkshire region to meet and share good practice, areas of innovation as well as share challenges to support solutions in a safe environment. This will enable the development of the role, services and pathways, which will contribute towards improving services and quality of patient care. A key objective is to enhance the understanding, culture and interface between different parts of the health, care, and voluntary sectors that are supporting the community mental health transformation models.

Aims of CoP

 To share success and challenges in the implementation of ARRS role services and pathways.

  • To highlight local and regional level ARRS topics that link to National and local initiatives relating to the development of the role.
  • To discuss latest research and NICE guidance in this area to inform developments.
  • Consider regionally identified training needs and areas of development for the ARRS role.
  • Linking to the National and regional professionals to share ideas, good practice and innovative ways of working to influence improvements in service and patient care.
  • To foster a collaborative environment that promotes a better understanding and interface between different sectors and clinical roles.

Please contact  denise.friend@nhs.net if you would like more information and joining instructions for the meeting. Please share this invite as appropriate.

Cancer Care Community of Practice Webinar Event

Shared on behalf of NHSE

Cancer CoP Webinar event: Would you like to learn more about assessing breast & bowel cancer risk?

Calling all nurses & AHPs working in primary care, community & secondary care, and those in roles with a special interest in cancer nationwide!

Webinar date/ time: Wednesday 18 September, 12:30 – 13:30 (via MS Teams)

Inviting you to the next in our series of London Regional Cancer Community of Practice lunchtime webinar events in collaboration with NHS England, TCST and CLCH during 2024-25. This webinar focuses on cancer risk assessment, and will be hosted by expert speakers Michelle Weston, Lead Cancer Family History Nurse Specialist and Natasha Dray, Cancer Family History Nurse Specialist, from Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Trust

The session will cover:

  • What is the Cancer Risk Assessment Service?
  • Reasons for assessing cancer risk based on family history
  • How does the service benefit individuals?
  • Recognising the need for a family history assessment or a genetics referral
  • Making every contact count – the Nurses role

Register for your place here  or paste this link into your browser: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/transforming-cancer-services-team-for-london/t-ojopzly

Any questions, please contact sandra.dyer1@nhs.net

GP Forum CPD Events

Shared on behalf of GP Forum

Please see invitation to attend the next GP Forum primary care CPD study days:

  • Thursday 14th November on the topic of “Musculoskeletal” – Grimsby
  • Wednesday 4th December on the topic of “Contraception & Sexual Health” – Hull

The meetings are free of charge and carry 3 hours CPD points.

Please pass this on to staff in your practice who might be interested in attending the course.

Free Manager Webinar - Managing Teams Under Pressure

Shared on behalf of The Development People

Free 1 hr Webinar for Practice & Line Managers working in General Practice
Join us for this FREE webinar as we discuss how we can support our teams when things get too busy and demand creeps up!

In this webinar, we will look at:

– What causes pressure and stress
– How teams can manage this more effectively
– What we can do as a manager/leader to support our team
– Looking forward, not backwards – perception
This is a chance to step ‘off the hamster wheel’ for an hour, have a cuppa, and invest some time in you and your team.

Thursday 19th Sept @ 12pm-1pm


Book your place here 

For more info please contact:

Email:   lucy@thedevelopmentpeople.co.uk

Web:    www.thedevelopmentpeople.co.uk

Free Webinars - Domestic Abuse Awareness Month October 2024

Shared on behalf of Domestic Violence Abuse Partnership

See details of upcoming webinars here

Free Online CPD events for HNY Optometry colleagues

Shared on behalf of NHSE

Humber & North Yorkshire Eyecare – Continuing Professional Development – SPRINT Events 24/25

Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY) Integrated Care System (ICS) is hosting a series of free, online, interactive Continuing Professional Development (CPD) sessions for the local optometry community. Each 1.5hr session consists of a presentation delivered by a local specialist, followed by time for discussion. The sessions are CPD accredited.

The HNY ICB footprint covers 7 Ophthalmology Trust sites as well as multiple Independent Sector Providers. The Optometry profession are the primary care specialists that refer the majority of referrals either directly or indirectly (via GP) to these sites.

As part of the Eye Care Collaboration with Optometry and Ophthalmology we are delivering the sessions to:

  • support and inform the local eyecare workforce
  • foster relationships between local practitioners, Local Optical Committees and secondary care.
  • provide better eyecare for all.


Session 2: Thursday 26th September, 7:30pm – 9:00pm

Diagnosis and Management of Glaucoma – From Text Book to Real World Experience


Mr David Burton, BMedSci MBChB FRCOphth

Clinical Director for Ophthalmology and Consultant Ophthalmologist

York & Scarborough Teaching Hospital


Mr Burton is a consultant ophthalmologist and Clinical Director for eye services across York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital. He is an Honorary Lecturer for the Hull and York Medical School, has a specialist interest for Glaucoma and is the Chair of the Glaucoma Group for the ICB. Mr Burton’s session will provide a review of the diagnosis of glaucoma with an exploration of the management of linked conditions through case-based examples from referrals to the Hospital Eye service.


To secure your place and confirm your attendance please REGISTER HERE

If you have any queries please contact – hnyicb-ny.primarycarecontracts@nhs.net

PA Placement Request - University of Bradford

Shared on behalf of the University of Bradford

The University of Bradford would like to thank our existing placements providers for all your support for hosting placements for our Physician Associate students this year.  Our students have learned so much from the opportunities and experiences you and your teams afford them.   We welcome new primary care providers who wish to get involved with accommodating placements for the next academic year (2024/25).  Our placements dates are as follows:

Primary Care Placement dates:

Year 1

Semester 1: Wednesday 9th October 2024 – Wednesday 18th December 2024, inclusive – (Wednesdays only)

Semester 2: Wednesday 8th January 2025 – Wednesday 26th March 2025, inclusive – (Wednesdays only)

Year 2

Semester 1: Monday 7th October 2004 – Friday 25th October 2025, inclusive – (Mon-Tues and Thurs-Fri, No Wednesdays during these weeks)

Semester 2: Monday 17th March 2025 – Friday 4th April 2025, inclusive – (Mon-Tues and Thurs-Fri, No Wednesdays during these weeks)


These placements are funded by NHSE.  The current rate of pay is £102 per student, per day.

If you are interested or have any queries, then please contact Narkis Rahman (Clinical Placement Development Manager) by email; n.rahman@bradford.ac.uk.

Humber and North Yorkshire ICB Workforce Bulletin

Please click here for the latest Humber and North Yorkshire workforce bulletin.