South Yorkshire ICB Workforce Funding for Non-Medical Prescribing 24/25
PLEASE NOTE: Sheffield Hallam NMP course places for Sep 24 and Jan 25 are now full.
To be added to our reserve list please complete this form. You will be contacted if/when further course places become available.
We are currently accepting EOIs for the 25/26 financial year from primary care staff in South Yorkshire (Sheffield Hallam & University of Sheffield only.) To submit an EOI please complete this form – you will be notified as soon as funding becomes available and invited to apply for the course.
NHSE Workforce Transformation funding (which has previously supported modules such as APACS, Minor Illness and Pharmacist Independent Prescribing) has now ended. We are trying to source alternative sources of funding for these courses. If you would like to submit an EOI to be added to our waiting list and notified when funding becomes available, please complete this form. If you have previously submitted an EOI for these courses, then you do not need to re-submit.