ACP Training in Primary Care

The ACP Training Programme aims to support primary care employers in South Yorkshire to grow the advanced practice workforce of the future. It is aimed at practices, PCNs or Federations that have identified the need for an ACP role within their organisation and wish to either recruit to post or upskill an eligible existing member of staff.

ACP Commissioning Round 24/25 now open!

The original deadline for applications (29/03/24) is currently being extended until the NE&Y Faculty reach the maximum number for the region. Please submit applications for 24/25 at your earliest convenience to avoid disappointment. 

The application process for primary care organisations within North- East & Yorkshire to apply for NHSE support to train Advanced Practitioners is now open.

Please watch the video guide and click the link below to apply.

Apply for ACP training support 24/25

Key points to note:

  • Each organisation must nominate a single contact to lead on the ACP application and act as a key liaison for all enquiries relating to ACPs
  • Organisations are required to submit a trainee ACP job description in support of their application (see Resources section below for sample version)
  • The NE & Yorkshire Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice aim to notify your organisation of the outcome within 4 weeks of submitting your full application
  • If you are a large organisation wishing to submit multiple applications and would prefer to submit via secure live spreadsheet, please email

Video Guide for ACP training support 24/25

A guide to implementing and funding ACP training in Primary Care

File type: MP4 · File size: 63.67 MB

Discuss an Application

The SY Training Hub offers employers the opportunity to discuss a potential application with local ACP Leads over Teams.

Appointments last 30 minutes and are available on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Email us to book an appointment slot.

Book a slot to discuss an application

ACP Training Programme Summary

  • MSc Advanced Clinical Practice apprenticeship course fees fully funded
  • Alternative funded routes for trainees not eligible for apprenticeship or requiring top-up modules
  • Trainees need 1 day per week protected study time plus 1 day per week clinical supervision time
  • NHSE Clinical salary support (training grant) provided to employers – £10,200 per year, per trainee ACP
  • Additional support for trainee ACPs, clinical supervisors and primary care employers.

Who can train to be an ACP in primary care?

Advanced Practice is multi-professional and open to range of experienced, registered healthcare professionals from a variety of roles.

Examples include:

  • Nurses
  • Paramedics
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Dietitians
  • Podiatrists
  • Clinical Pharmacists* (must not be currently undertaking an NHSE-funded programme, e.g. CPPE)

What ACP training routes are available?

ACP training will differ according to the level of previous experience and/or qualifications that the individual brings to the role of a trainee ACP. As a result of this, three different routes are available:

(1) MSc ACP Apprenticeship (Preferred Route)

Course length: 3 years

Course funded by: employer levy if applicable. For non-levy paying organisations, 95% government co-investment & 5% employer contribution (met by NHSE)

Good to know: trainees must have certificate evidence of GCSE passes in Maths & English at Grade C or above & must work at least 30 hours per week in accordance with apprenticeship rules. Training grant of £10,200 per year, per trainee paid to the employing organisation for the duration of study.


(2) MSc ACP Traditional (Fees Funded Route)

Course length: 3 years

Course funded by: 100% NHSE

Good to know: available by exception for trainees who are not eligible for apprenticeship route. Training grant of £10,200 per year, per trainee paid to the employing organisation for the duration of study.


(3) MSc ACP Top-Up (Modular Route)

Course length: varies from 1-2 years

Course funded by: 100% NHSE

Good to know: available for trainees who have already completed significant Level 7 study & require only ‘top up’ modules to complete an ACP qualification. Training grant not available for less than 1.5 years study.

How much is the clinical salary support/training grant?

The ACP Training Grant for 2024-25 is £10,200 per year, per trainee up to a maximum of 3 years. This is approximately £850 per month and is paid quarterly, in arrears.

What does my organisation need to provide?

The employer is required to provide:

  • A defined ACP role at the end of the training period
  • A good quality, supportive learning environment involving the whole practice team
  • Named clinical supervisor/s with the skills & capacity to support the trainee ACP (training & support available if required)
  • 1 day per week for the trainee ACP to attend university/protected study time

1 day per week (minimum) for the trainee ACP to work alongside their clinical supervisor

When does the next ACP Commissioning Round open?

The 2024-25 ACP Commissioning Round is now open.

A link to the application portal can be found below.

If you would like to discuss a potential application or need any support with completing the application form then please contact us.

What ACP courses are available in South Yorkshire?

MSc Advanced Clinical Practice – Sheffield Hallam University

MMedSci Advanced Clinical Practice (General Practice) – The University of Sheffield

What is the application process?

  • Watch the video guide to Implementing & Funding Advanced Practice training in Primary Care (see below)
  • Contact the SY Training Hub to request a meeting to discuss a potential application (if required)
  • Read the NE & Yorkshire Faculty for Advancing Practice handbook 24/25 (see below)
  • Engage with the Governance Maturity Matrix tool to identify the current level of organisational maturity to support a trainee ACP. Support sessions will be provided for employers if required
  • Complete the online application including a Business Case for an ACP (sample version available below)
  • Submit a trainee ACP Job Description to the Regional Faculty in support of your application (sample Job Description available below.)

How do I report a change of circumstance in ACP training?

The NE & Yorkshire Faculty of Advancing Practice is required to keep up to date records of trainee ACPs for the purposes of training grant administration. The NHSE training grant can only be paid to employers with trainees who are currently on programme and making progress with no issues.

Changes in circumstance (eg pause in study due to illness, maternity leave etc) must be reported to the Faculty at the earliest opportunity via the link below. Please note that changes of employer will require a re-application for funding from the new employer, as funding is not attached to the individual trainee. Trainees are required to discuss any potential change with their course lead and SY ACP Professional Lead Sarah Fisher for authorisation prior to taking any action. Complete the downloadable Change of Circumstances form below to report a change.


Helpful Resources


South Yorkshire ICB Advanced Clinical Practice Professional Lead – Sarah Fisher

South Yorkshire ACP Training Programme Director –  Anna Young

NE & Yorkshire Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice NEY Faculty for ACP

South Yorkshire Apprenticeships LeadPam Case

Governance Maturity Matrix Tool Implementation Workshop - 6th JUNE 2024

The South Yorkshire ICB and Primary Care Workforce & Training Hub would like to invite you to a Governance Maturity matrix tool implementation workshop.
This event will explain what you need to know, how to implement this we will work with you to start completing this live matrix with you to take back to practice.
This is suitable for AP leads, practice managers, PCN managers.

Register now