The West Yorkshire Primary Care Workforce & Training Hub (PCWTH) are supporting General Practice Nurse (GPN) Supervisors and Assessors across West Yorkshire by running Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA) and Practice Educator and Assessor Preparation (PEAP) support sessions. Feedback from research carried out has shown that many GPNs are not confident enough to put themselves forward as Supervisors or Assessors now there is no requirement for a formal SSSA/SLIP course. They do not feel equipped after an online course alone, such as PEAP, to start the roles.

The GPN Supervisor and Assessor Support sessions are a support framework for GPNs who have completed the online training. Supervision of nursing students represents the accumulated wisdom at each stage of your career; the decisions made, the actions taken, and challenges overcome. These sessions are here to support you as a GPN to fully integrate the NMC Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (2018) into General Practice and to offer you support and encouragement as you start to think about supervision of nursing students.

These sessions are run by experienced GPN Facilitators who will follow up the online training with practical examples and ideas of how to implement what GPNs have learnt. They include case studies, developing toolkits and practical skills for the GPN Supervisors and Assessors to use in their day-to-day supervisor/assessor roles.

GPNs attending the SSSA / PEAP Support sessions will be given the opportunity to focus on leadership and communication development, including conflict management associated with students not achieving expected NMC performance standards.

Upcoming SSSA / PEAP Support Sessions

Come and join us at one of our lunch time sessions (12:30–1:15pm) to go over updated NMC standards within SSSA/PEAP. The sessions provide an opportunity to ask questions and receive support from our experienced GPN facilitators and our local university nursing course leads.

Please email to register your interest.

Interested in Hosting Nursing Students?

For further information please click on the following: Nursing Student Placements Scheme