Please note, applications are closed. Awaiting further funding details.
The Aspiring Practice Mangers Programme (APMP) is designed specifically for Aspiring Managers that would like to ‘brush up’ on their understanding of Primary Care processes. The programme is a mix of reflective discussions and theoretical input, all of this is brought together to make real life experiences lived and shared through an improvement lens. The programme is a mixture of on-line learning, blended with taught face to face (F2F) sessions. Each session will have a mixture of practical/interactive exercises. The programme is split into the following sections:
- Mandatory Sessions – 1 welcome session and 7 workshops
- Optional Pick & Mix Sessions – up to 7 workshops
Delegate Feedback
“Fantastic, best course I have done which relates to my day job. It really was the most useful and relevant training programme I have ever attended. It was brilliant. Thank you very much.” (KH – February 2023)
“Absolutely amazing, I kind of don’t want it to end. So good to meet new people and network. The content has been spot-on with regards to what I needed to learn and areas to improve my knowledge on, the trainers have been fab and really engaging.” (LF – March 2023)
“Sometimes the practice manager role can be overwhelming. The course has been delivered by trainers with relevant experience and they made me feel at ease. This course has genuinely made me do my job better, I think it is absolutely wonderful.” (LL – March 2023)