Group Clinic Programme

The West Yorkshire Primary Care Workforce & Training Hub are supporting the spread and adoption of Group Clinics across Primary Care in West Yorkshire. Group Clinics are an evidence-based way of delivering access and recovery, creating capacity, reducing waiting lists and releasing one to one appointments. Group Clinics can be delivered as either face to face and/or virtual (video group clinics [VGCs]). They bring a group of patients together with clinicians in a supportive clinic, improving quality and experience of care for patients and primary care teams alike.

Benefits of Group Clinics
Group Clinics can help your Practice/PCN with the following benefits:

  • Clinician time savings
  • Improved QOF achievement
  • Improved access
  • More options to overcome estate limitations using video group clinics (VGCs)
  • Improved job satisfaction, flexible working through VGCs and restoration of autonomy and joy in clinical practice

Group Clinic Programme Package

Your Practice/PCN will receive access to an intensive support programme which includes extensive training and change support for your team. This includes:

  • Training modules aligned to each of the roles that will build your knowledge and give you the confidence to deliver group clinics.
  • A toolkit, advice, and support to help you design effective, efficient administrative processes that fit into existing practice workflows and processes.
  • Access to tried and tested group clinic models that you can replicate.
  • Ongoing support and advice from expert coaches and clinician mentors who will help you develop your practice.

Further Information

For further information please see leaflet group clinic programme pre-registration briefing

How To Apply

Deadline of 31st October 2024.

If you would like to apply for a place on the Group Clinics funded training programme, please email with the below information:

Practice or PCN Name:

Lead Contact Name:

Lead Contact Email Address: