From April 2021 Paramedics became part of the Primary Care Network (PCN) Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) funding. Since then we have been working closely with Primary Care Workforce Steering Groups to develop a rotational model for Paramedics to work in Primary Care. This ground-breaking collaboration with Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS) provides a programme that delivers the Paramedic staff needed for PCNs and offers a fulfilling work mix for Paramedics without destabilising the capacity of YAS to deliver emergency services. All Paramedics working in the rotational model remain employed and paid by Yorkshire Ambulance Service.

Previous Paramedic primary care pilots have shown that whilst Paramedics enjoy the role in primary care and the opportunity to apply their skills in different ways, many would prefer a rotational model rather than working in primary care full-time. Our rotational model helps promotes collaborative working between primary care and urgent care and provides a better understanding of each other’s roles, creating the opportunity to take shared learning into different environments. The benefits of close working between primary and urgent care services have proven to move care closer to home thus allowing patient access to a wider range of support services and improved financial efficiency within the system.

Whilst an obvious role for Paramedics in primary care is supporting patient home visits, they also have significant experience in seeing acutely unwell patients. They become a key member of the primary care team seeing acute presentations in their own clinics. Working in both clinics and domiciliary care is important for the Paramedic to achieve the volume of experience required as a First Contact Practitioner. As registered professionals they can undertake further education in primary care including chronic disease management and are eligible to undertake prescribing courses.

Programme Details

The Primary Care Paramedic Preceptorship Programme is a 12-week programme and is followed by rotational working between primary care and YAS. Supervision and completion of the FCP Roadmap (Stage 2) will be continued after the Preceptorship. Two Paramedics will be assigned to the PCN/Practice for each WTE requested.  Each Paramedic will complete the 12-week training programme (24 weeks in total) at the PCN/Practice. Each Paramedic will then work a 6-week block in primary care and then return to YAS for a 6-week block, on rotation with each other.

The PCN/Practice Clinical Supervisor must be a GP Trainer who has watched The Roadmap Supervision Top Up Session for GP Educational Supervisors video via E-Learning for Health Top up Training Video or a First Contact Practitioner (FCP)/Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP)/GP who has attended one of the Roadmap Supervision Courses. If there are concerns with not having access to a Roadmap Supervisor, then we can work around this using YAS roadmap supervisors and a tripartite meeting.

Over the 12-week training Programme formal teaching will be provided by the Yorkshire and Humber Training Hubs at weekly peer group learning days. The sessions focus on the previous cohorts identified learning needs within primary care and will supplement the learning/teaching that occurs naturally in Practices. Paramedics will be asked to complete a reflective case study both in advance of a teaching session and following on from the session.

Practice/PCN Expectations

The PCN and Paramedics will be asked to commit to an initial 18 months on the rotational model. PCNs are responsible for providing Clinical Supervision for the YAS deployed Paramedics. The pilot and earlier cohorts have demonstrated that Paramedics have found it helpful to be based within a single Practice during the initial 12-week preceptorship, and where possible, we would encourage PCNs to support this.

PCNs/Practices must facilitate protected time for the Paramedic (1 session per week, preferably a Tuesday afternoon) to enable reflection and completion of the relevant portfolio entries and to ensure the Paramedic is able to obtain sufficient evidence for completion of the FCP Roadmap (Stage 2).

Funding Details

The salary and on costs of the Paramedic will be within the ARRS claimable amount. Your PCN will claim the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) funding and YAS will invoice your PCN for reimbursement.

PCNs/Practices will receive £1,000 following each 12-week preceptorship training period, in recognition of the supervision and support required for each Paramedic.

Funding details are correct as of November 2023.

If you would like any further information or to register your interest for future cohorts of the programme please email