NHSE Workforce Funding (METIP) for primary care staff in South Yorkshire 24/25

NHSE provides workforce funding to post-registration healthcare professionals (excluding doctors and dentists) via the METIP (Multi-professional Education & Training Investment Plan.) METIP funding is limited and subject to availability and approval. In this financial year (24/25) METIP funding is limited to Non-Medical Prescribing training only.

It has been agreed within the South Yorkshire Education & Training Delivery Group that funding applications from primary care must be logged and authorised by the SY Primary Care Workforce & Training Hub. This is to ensure that training is aligned to local priorities and that primary care employers can confirm support for their learners.

We are currently accepting funding applications from South Yorkshire primary care employers for Non-Medical Prescribing. To submit an application please click here: NMP funding application.

The questions and answers below will guide you through the process.

What is the process for applying for METIP funding for Non-Medical Prescribing? Show Hide

What is the process for applying for the course? Show Hide

Who is eligible to apply for METIP funding? Show Hide

Which courses are covered by METIP funding? Show Hide

Which courses are NOT covered by METIP funding? Show Hide

Does METIP funding cover backfill for time out of practice for study/clinical supervision? Show Hide

Which universities in South Yorkshire can my trainee apply to Show Hide

Is an approved funding application a guarantee that my trainee will have a place on the course? Show Hide

The course that my trainee wants to apply for has a choice of study days. Can they choose which day they prefer? Show Hide

I had a confirmation of funding for this financial year but my trainee was unable to take up their course place due to personal circumstances. Can I defer it? Show Hide

The course that my trainee wants to study (APACS/Minor Illness) is not currently covered by METIP. Is there another source of funding to cover this? Show Hide