Offers support for practices and nurse mentors/ assessors/ supervisors to take undergraduate student nurses on placement.

The aim is to increase access to general practice placements for student nurses, to promote practice nursing as a career and help secure the primary care workforce of the future.

Great recruitment tool and professional development opportunity for staff.

Practices receive a tariff to support time for assessment/supervision and coordination.

Funding available for nurses to undertake the assessor course.


When is it available?

Ongoing – student placements take place throughout the year and you can start getting involved at any time.


What’s involved?

By providing placements for student nurses, the aim is to promote practice nursing as a career pathway when in the past it might otherwise have been overlooked by students. This in turn should help to secure an important part of the future primary care workforce.

  • Great recruitment tool
  • Professional development opportunity for staff
  • Additional income stream
  • Give student nurses the opportunity to experience a quality placement in General Practice
  • Help secure the primary care workforce of the future
  • Bring enthusiasm and two-way learning into the practice


For full information, please download our Info Pack here


What funding is available?

Practices receive a tariff from HEE per student per week for assessor/supervisor time supporting the student.


How can I find out more or express interest?

Email –

Phone – 01482 303986

NMC Video: Understanding student supervision and assessment


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