Enhancing Generalist Skills Programme

Inter-professional understanding, skills, dialogue, networks, and trust have been identified as paramount for realising the ambition of integrated care neighbourhoods.

Enhancing Generalism (“enhance”) is a one-year part time programme designed to enhance these interprofessional capabilities in the workforce.

The six domains of Enhance are

  • Person-centred practice
  • System working
  • Complex multimorbidity
  • Social justice and health
  • Population health equity
  • Environmental sustainability

Cross cutting themes

  • Wellbeing
  • Digital
  • Leadership
  • Transformative reflection

What is the enhance explore programme? 

The enhance programme is an educational offer to health and social care professionals  to enhance their generalist skills. It aims to help create a health and care workforce that is adept at working across organisational boundaries to support excellent patient care. 

Who is the South Yorkshire enhance explore programme for?  

It is for anyone working in health or social care in South Yorkshire who wishes to develop their generalist skills in a supportive multidisciplinary environment. It is open to all sectors: primary care, secondary care, community care and social care, and to clinical and managerial and administrative staff.

What qualifications do I need to attend?  

You do not need any qualifications to attend. You need to be employed or volunteering in the health and/or social sector in South Yorkshire and have an enthusiasm for team working and improving patient care. 

Is this for senior leaders?  

No, this programme is for anyone, at any stage of their career, we all have value and experiences to share. The more diverse the cohort in enhance, the more the group will benefit from the breadth of experience and knowledge.

What is the structure of the programme? 

The programme is structured around 7 core study days where the 6 domains are introduced and learning experiences shared. There will be additional optional study days covering related topics and relevant skills eg Quality Improvement. Participants will be expected to undertake personal study, field trips, reciprocal shadowing and to complete a Quality Improvement Project. Support for these activities will be provided .

How much time is needed to complete the programme?  

Approximately 4 hours per week is advised: this includes the study days.

I’ve seen there are different enhance projects running across England and different versions of Enhance offered, how does this version of enhance work? 

In South Yorkshire the enhance explore programme has a  focus on linking with the development of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams our aim is that participants from different agencies working in the same neighbourhood area will attend together so helping them build understanding and relationships at a local level

The enhance enable programme is a less intensive programme aimed at Foundation Doctors

If Enhance is built round local community Integrated Neighbourhood Teams, what happens if I work across a larger area or I’m not based in the community e.g. hospital, city/region based. Can I still take part?  

Absolutely yes you can! We want people from every sector to attend. If you work in a service that operates at place (town/city) level eg a secondary care trust then we will match you with people from a neighbourhood in your area.

Why should I do it? 

Enhance is the opportunity to develop a wider understanding of the system we work in, and how to develop a more generalist and patient centred approach. You will develop the necessary skills to thrive in your career, whilst developing networks and a greater understanding of the wider community, voluntary, health and social care system and your colleagues working within it.

What does it cost?  

The course is completely free to attend but unfortunately there is no funding to back fill your time attending the sessions.

How do I apply for the enhance programme?  

We ask that you complete an ‘expression of interest form’ which is accessible by clicking the link below.

How are people selected for the course? Will there be an interview?  

There will be no formal interview process but we will ask you to submit a short paragraph on your reasons for applying.

When is the enhance programme running?  

We are running 2 cohorts, one planned to start in Spring 2025, the second starting in Autumn 2025.

How many sessions do I have to attend? What happens if I miss one?  

The course is designed to be ran in person and the learning will be enhanced by the multi-professional approach of the course. We ask a minimum commitment of 70% of sessions.

If the enhance programme is based on Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INT), can I only attend if my INT is involved?  

Ideally, we would to base the cohorts around INTs to get the most benefit from local ties and collaborative working. However, this can still be achieved on a wider scale and we would encourage anyone who is interested to get involved.

Why do I need to get my line managers approval to attend?  

Given the number of study days involved, and the likelihood this will need you to attend during your scheduled work hours we ask that your line manager is aware and on board to ensure that you can be released and fully commit to the course.

I’m interested in enhance but now might not be the best time to start the course how do I find out more? 

Register your interest using the link below and we’ll keep you updated on the current cohorts progress any future cohorts.

I’m interested in getting more participants from my INT, can you help?  

Please get in touch with us via email below and we can discuss how to support recruitment in your local INT.

What qualifications will I get?  

There is no formal qualification but you will get a certificate of completion of the course providing you have evidenced your learning and engaged with the sessions. There may be the option to look at an optional PGCert in addition to the course but this would be need to be self funded.

What do you mean by ‘self directed study’?  

This learning can take many forms including field trips, shadowing, podcasts, e-learning, videos and work on your own QIP.

I still have more questions, how do I find out more?  

Please get in touch via email and we can arrange a call or online meeting to discuss further and answer your questions.

Visit the NHSE website for more information about the enhance programme or download the handbook below.