The role of an FCP Supervisor comes with the responsibility of undertaking workplace-based assessments (within your own scope of practice) and verifying evidence of knowledge, skills, and capability in day-to-day practice.
What training is available?
Following changes to the roadmap supervision requirements, the Y&H Primary Care School have developed an offer of introductory clinical and educational supervision training sessions (half day sessions – free at the point of delivery), aimed at clinicians in primary care undertaking a supervisory role as part of a multidisciplinary team. For further details, dates and booking info, please see flyers and info pack below:
If you are interested in an ‘in-house’ session for your practice or PCN then please contact to arrange.
New funded training offers also available:
- Lunch and Learn sessions for supervisors:
- Intending GP trainers and Multiprofessional Supervisor Pathway:
Where can I find the roadmaps, and other FCP information?
- The roadmaps and associated resources can be found here
- Details about the changes in FCP requirements can be found here and here
- Details of Roadmap Supervisor training can be found here. For more information please contact
Further Information
A webinar ‘ FCPs: Sharing Pest Practice’ was held in December 2024 for HNY practices and PCNs, sharing information on support, experiences and available training. If you were unable to make the session, or would like a recap, you can find a copy of the slides and recording below:
A video that offers voluntary roadmap supervisor top up training to GPs who have already trained as educational supervisors is now available on Health Education England’s E-learning for Healthcare Hub. For more information and to access the video, please click here
A CQC Primary Care FCPs Mythbuster can be found here
How can I find out more?
Email –
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