The role of an FCP Supervisor comes with the responsibility of undertaking workplace-based assessments (within your own scope of practice) and verifying evidence of knowledge, skills, and capability in day-to-day practice.


When is it available?

Details of available training dates can be found here

If you would like to register or have any queries, please contact


What’s involved?

Details of the training and who it is suitable for can also be found here


Further Information

A new video that offers voluntary top up training to GPs who have already trained as educational supervisors is now available on Health Education England’s E-learning for Healthcare Hub. For more information and to access the video, please click here

A CQC Primary Care FCPs Mythbuster can be found here


Where can I find the roadmaps, and other FCP information?

The roadmaps and associated resources can be found here

Details about the latest changes in FCP requirements can be found here


How can I find out more?

Email –

Or click on the button below

FCP FAQ251023V2

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